Application: For high SNR and SFDR, such as xDSL and Hi-Fi audio. Preferred architecture: Multi-bit ∆ΣM (Delta-Sigma Modulator). Problem: Nonlinear DAC in the feedback loop degrades the performance. A 94dB SFDR 78dB DR 2.2MHz BW Multi-bit Delta-Sigma Modulator with Noise Shaping DAC Existing solution Pros: DEM randomizes the mismatch in DAC and spread the energy of the toned noise to the entire band. Thus, the nonlinearity is improved and the SFDR is increased. Cons: The spread noise increases the noise floor, and hence the in-band noise power. SNR of the M is degraded. In conclusion: The DEM improves SFDR, but degrades SNR. In other words, it trades SNR for SFDR. Nonlinear DAC
1 st -order shaping to DAC noise DEM reduces tones Noise shaping DAC or NSDEM improves both SFDR and SNR Proposed Lowpass M with Noise Shaping DAC Differentiator Accumulator U(z) V(z) H D (z) Quantizer DAC with NSDEM DAC Noise D(z) Quantiazation Noise Q(z) H(z) DEM H I (z) DAC + H D (z) 5th-order 4-bit Quan. lowpass M with NSDEM H I (z) DEM (PDWA) Quantizer H(z) – loop filter
94dB Signal Bandwidth2.2MHz Clock Frequency35.2MHz SFDR / DR94dB / 78dB Peak SNR / SNDR77dB / 69dB Input Range5.04V pp (differential) Power 3.3V Supply Technology0.35μm CMOS Noise floor is limited by switches thermal noise of input signal path No input signal DAC thermal noise is shaped Reference noise is also shaped NSDEM is off NSDEM is on Unlike most of the existing DEMs that trade SNR for SFDR. NSDEM improves both DAC SFDR and SNR. NSDEM shapes the inherent DAC thermal noise. Fabricated M chip meets the specification for ADSL2+.