68HC11 Analog I/O Chapter 12
Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) What is it? Converts an analog voltage level to a digital output. Dout = F(Vin)
Analog to Digital Converters Terminology Full Scale Voltage: VFS=VH-VL Difference between maximum and minimum voltage levels Bits (N): Number of bits in the digital output Resolution (LSB): smallest quantizing step size LSB = Vfs/2N Conversion time: time needed for one conversion Quantization error: Voltage error between digital output and analog input. The maximum error is 1 LSB
Analog to Digital Converters In General Given: VFS, N bits LSB = VFS/(2N) Digital Output: Dout Analog Output: Vout Vout = Dout*LSB = Dout * VFS/2N Quantization Error = Vin - Vout
Analog to Digital Converters Example Given: VFS=5V, N=2 bit What is the bit resolution (LSB) and the transfer curve Answer: LSB = 5/(22) = 1.25V 0.000V < Vin < 1.25V Dout = 00 1.25V < Vin < 2.50V Dout = 01 2.50V < Vin < 3.75V Dout = 10 3.75V < Vin < 5.000V Dout = 11
2-bit Analog to Digital Converter Voltage Transfer Curve Dout Vin, V
Analog to Digital Converters Example Given: VFS=5V, N=8 bits What is Dout (in hex) for Vin=2.35V Answer: LSB = 5/(28) = 0.0195V = 19.5mV 2N = 256 Dout = INT(2.35V/19.5mV)=120=$78
Analog to Digital Converters Example Given: VFS=5V, N=8 bits, Dout=$78 What is the quantization error (in mV) if Vin=2.35V Answer: LSB = 5/(28) = 0.0195V = 19.5mV Vout = Dout*LSB = 120*19.5mV=2.34V QE = Vout – Vin = 2.35V-2.34V = 10mV
68HC11 A/D Converter 8-bit resolution (256 bit levels) 8 channels: Port E
Port E 8-bit Address $100A Multi-Function Digital Input Port Analog Input Port (Built-in A/D)
Port E - $100A Data Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bits O=Output I =Input B=Bidirectional
Using the 68HC11 A/D Converter Power-up the A/D System Configure the A/D conversion system Two modes Single channel scan Continuous channel scan Channel control Conversion on a single channel Conversion on four channels Start the A/D conversion Poll the conversion completion flag (CCF) Read the result Save the result
Reading the Results Load the ADC result from the ADC Input Registers: ADR1 = $1031 ADR2 = $1032 ADR3 = $1033 ADR4 = $1034
Power the A/D Converter Option Register: $1039 System Configuration Options ADPU CSEL IRQE DLY CME N/A CR1 CR2 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bits ADPU = A/D Power-up 0 = A/D not powered up 1 = A/D powered up (need at least 100uS for process to stabilize) CSEL = Clock select 0 = Use external clock (E-clock) for power up (default) 1 = Use internal clock for power up CB = %11000000
Configure the ADC A/D Control/Status Register ADCTL Register: $1030 A/D Control/Status Register CCF N/A SCAN MULT CD CC CB CA 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bits SCAN = Continuous Scan Control 0 = One cycle of four conversions each time ADCTL is written 1 = Continuous conversions MULT = Multiple Channel/Single Channel Control 0 = perform four consecutive conversions on a single channel 1 = perform four conversions on four channels consecutively
A/D Control/Status Register Single Channel Mode ADCTL Register: $1030 A/D Control/Status Register CCF N/A SCAN MULT CD CC CB CA 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bits CD,CC,CB,CA = Channel Conversion Select Bits Mult=0
A/D Control/Status Register Multiple Channel Mode ADCTL Register: $1030 A/D Control/Status Register CCF N/A SCAN MULT CD CC CB CA 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bits CD,CC,CB,CA = Channel Conversion Select Bits Mult=1
A/D Control/Status Register Conversion Completion Flag ADCTL Register: $1030 A/D Control/Status Register CCF N/A SCAN MULT CD CC CB CA 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bits CCF = A/D Conversion Complete Flag 0 = Conversion not complete 1 = Conversion complete. Set when all four A/D result registers contain valid conversions
Project Pseudo-Code * Power ADC using Internal Clock * Delay Loop Option ($1039) %11000000 * Delay Loop N=10 For I = 1 to N Next I * Configure ADC for * Single channel, single scan, PE0 * Set scan=0,mult=0, Cd,Cc,Cb,Ca to 0000 ADCTL %00000000 ; This starts conversion
Project Pseudo-Code * Wait for CCF Flag * Read Result * Save Result * Repeat Until CCF=1 * Read Result A ADR1 ($1031) * Save Result Dout A *
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Initialization Examples Single channel, single scan Set scan=0,mult=0 Set Cd,Cc,Cb,Ca to select channel Single channel, continuous scan Set scan=1,mult=0
Initialization Examples Multiple channel, single scan Set scan=0,mult=1 Set Cd,Cc,Cb,Ca to select channel pair Either PE0-PE3 or PE4-PE7 Multiple channel, continuous scan Set scan=1,mult=1
Pseudo-code:Multi-Channel Mode 68HC11 A/D Converter Initialize A/D conversion system Power A/D system Enable A/D system ; This starts A/D conv. Repeat Until CCF=1 For n = 1 to 4 A ADR(n) ; Read ADC register n Out(n) A ; Save conversion Next n
A/D Subroutine **** Define Symbols *** Assume standard equates OPTION EQU $1039 ADCTL EQU $1030 ADR1 EQU $1031 ADPU EQU %11000000 ADC EQU %00010100 ; Single scan-multi channel ; PE4-PE7 CCF EQU %10000000 ; CCF Delay EQU $1010 ; this is the delay N EQU $04
A/D Subroutine **** Initialize the Interface **** X contains the address of the output string **** B contains the number of values to collect Org Program Start: LDY #Option ; Load address of A/D option register BSET 0,Y #ADPU ; This power ups the A/D LDAA #Delay Loop: DECA BNE Loop ; This delay allows the A/D to power up LDAA #PE0 ; This are the bits to configure the ADCTL STAA ADCTL ; Configure ADCTL and start conversion
A/D Subroutine LDY #ADCTL ; This is the address of the ADCTL L0: BRCLR 0,Y #CCF L0 ; Stay here until CCF is set LDAB #N L1: LDY #ADR1 LDX #OUT LDAA 0,Y ; This will load the first conversion STAA 0,X ; Save this conversion INX ; Point to next character INY DECB BNE L1 RTS ; Return from subroutine ORG Data OUT RMB 4
Maximum Sampling Rate Nyquist Theorem: Must sample at twice the maximum frequency of the input signal to reconstruct the signal from the samples. 68HC11 Conversion time: 32 clock cycles = 32Tc Maximum signal period: 1/(2Fmax) 32Tc = 1/2Fmax Fmax = 1/(64Tc) Given Fclk=2Mhz Tc= 0.5uS Fmax=31.5KHz
Aperture Time The amount of time needed by ADC to sample the analog input is known as the “aperture time.” In the 68HC11, 12 cycles are needed to convert Vin. If the input signal changes considerable during the sample, we will see Aperture Jitter, signal “noise”, or signal error due to the uncertainty of the input signal.
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