System Aspects of ADC Design SHANTHI PAVAN Assistant Professor Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Prakash Easwaran, C Srinivasan Cosmic Circuits The slide guide is available in the following file: slidesV4.3.ppt: PowerPoint 2000 format. Viewable also with PowerPoint ’97. 05/18/01 V4.3
A-to-D Converters Terminology & Architectures The slide guide is available in the following file: slidesV4.3.ppt: PowerPoint 2000 format. Viewable also with PowerPoint ’97. 05/18/01 V4.3
PRESENTATION OVERVIEW ADC System Overview ADC Metrics Flash & Folding Converters Two Step Flash Converters Pipeline & Delta-Sigma ADCs Power efficiency of ADCs Conclusions
THE A-D CONVERSION PROCESS Anti-alias filter limits input bandwidth to fs/2
ADC OPERATIONS : SAMPLING Input typically stored as charge on a capacitor Tracking bandwidth Aperture Hold pedestal
QUANTIZER BASICS Quant. error assumptions uniformly distributed uncorrelated with input ! white ! QUANTIZER BASICS
OFFSET ERROR Ideal Benign when relative accuracy is desired - Cancelled digitally Actual
GAIN ERROR Actual Ideal Benign when relative accuracy is desired Correct using AGC in the analog/digital domains
DIFFERENTIAL NONLINEARITY (DNL) Nonmonotonicity & missing codes Monotonic if |DNL| < D
INTEGRAL NONLINEARITY (INL) Measures deviation from a line |INL| < 0.5 D sufficient condition for a monotonic characteristic
DNL & INL REMARKS DNL & INL should be measured with the best fit line for good repeatability DNL - picture of local variations in quantizer thresholds INL - picture of long range variations in quantizer thresholds
DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE METRICS Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) Signal to quantization noise (6N + 1.76) dB for a sine wave 1/2 the step size means ¼ the noise power Signal to Noise + Distortion Ratio (SNDR) Signal to everything else Spurious Free Dynamic Range (SFDR) Signal to the largest spectral spur Effective Number of Bits (ENOB) DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE METRICS
SPURIOUS-FREE DYNAMIC RANGE Input Tone Quantization Noise
HARMONIC DISTORTION Distortion is related to INL
SFDR DEPENDENCE ON “N” Amplitude is D Frequency ~ f Amplitude is D/2 ¼ the power over twice as many harmonics Peak harmonic goes down by ¼ ½ = 9 dB SFDR ~ 9N dB
FLASH A-D CONVERSION (+) Parallel technique - low latency (+) References – resistor ladder (-) Complexity - O(2N) (-) Excessive power/area for N > 6
THE CLOCK SKEW ISSUE Sampling is distributed Problem : Clock skew causes different comparators to sample inputs at different instances Result : Poor performance at high input frequencies Solution : Make all comparator inputs see “held” inputs
PRACTICAL FLASH ADC T/H for good dynamic performance. Offset correction in comparators.
THE FOLDING ADC PRINCIPLE Motivation : Reduce latches & back end logic
WHITHER FLASH & FOLDING ? Disk drive read-channels Low precision (6 bits) Very high speed (Gbps) Need very low latency (for timing recovery)
TWO STEP FLASH ADC Motivation: Reduce number of comparators in a flash ADC Idea: In a flash ADC, only comparators “near” the input give useful information Use a coarse ADC to estimate where the signal is, then use a fine ADC placed “around” the coarse estimate for better accuracy
TWO STEP FLASH ADC Number of comparators : (2Nc + 2Nf – 2) Resolution Nc + Nf bits ADCs & DAC must be good to (Nc + Nf) bits
RESIDUE PLOT : A CLOSER LOOK Slope = 1 ADC thresholds Code : -2 -1 0 1
ADC THRESHOLD OFFSET : FIX Extend the range of fine ADC by adding extra levels Redundancy in fine ADC relaxes coarse ADC errors Often called “Digital Error Correction”
Fine ADC range not exercised ISSUE : DAC INACCURACY Slope = 1 DAC level error Fine ADC range not exercised DAC level too small : Missing codes DAC level too large : Non-monotonicity
TWO-STEP FLASH SUMMARY Example : 10-bit flash needs 1023 comparators (5 + 5) bit 2-step flash needs only 62 comparators Lower hardware compared to a flash More latency (2 conversions, pipelined) Used for ~8-10 bit resolutions Coarse ADC resolution can be poor if extra levels are used in the fine ADC DAC must be accurate to the resolution of the entire ADC
IMPROVED TWO-STEP FLASH ADC The fine ADC operates on a small input Offset requirements for the fine ADC can be relaxed if the input signal swing was larger Amplify the input to the fine ADC
PIPELINE ADC PRINCIPLE Recursive implementation of the fine ADC
PIPELINE ADC PRINCIPLE STAGE 1 STAGE 2 Nc bits per stage Issue with ADC threshold error - Digital error correction DAC & Interstage amplifier implemented with switch-capacitor circuitry
OVERSAMPLING A-D CONVERSION Nyquist rate ADC Signal Oversampling ADC Quantization Noise
OVERSAMPLING & NOISE SHAPING IDEA Quantization noise is pushed out of the signal band Digital filter required to eliminate out of band noise Very high SQNR possible with a poor quantizer Also referred to as SD ADCs
SD MODULATOR BLOCK DIAGRAM Discrete time input & output Quantization modeled as additive noise
SD MODULATOR BLOCK DIAGRAM Noise Transfer Fn. (NTF) Signal Transfer Fn. (STF) Make L(z) large in the signal band
DELTA-SIGMA WAVEFORM EXAMPLE Analog Input Quantizer Output
Shaped Quantization Noise SD OUTPUT SPECTRUM Signal Bandwidth Signal Tone Shaped Quantization Noise
OTHER LOW SPEED ARCHITECTURES Algorithmic ADCs Reuse a single stage of the pipeline Successive Approximation ADCs Dual-slope ADCs
HIGH SPEED : “SYSTEM” IDEAS Time – interleaving multiple ADCs N slow converters to get one fast ADC Sample and hold of each converter must be good up to fs/2 Gain & Offset mismatch N times speed for N times power
ADC FIGURE OF MERIT FOM Units : Joules per level resolved Small FOM means more power efficiency Higher speed – more power Higher resolution – more power ENOB : Effective number of bits for a Nyquist input
FIGURE OF MERIT : COMMENTS For the same ADC spec, FOM usually improves with technology (& skill of the designer !) Ponder this : If “X” can design a 10-bit 500 Msps ADC in a certain process with 400 mW, does this mean that he/she can design a 10-bit, 1Gsps ADC with 800 mW ?
POWER EFFICIENCY OF ADCs Flash ADCs are least efficient But unavoidable when latency cannot be tolerated Pipelines more efficient than a flash Reduced hardware at the expense of latency Delta-Sigma more efficient than a pipeline but only suitable for low bandwidth signals
REFERENCES M. Gustavsson, J. Wikner & N. Tan, “CMOS Data Converters for Communications”, Kluwer, 2000 R. van de Plassche, “Integrated Analog-to-Digital & Digital-to-Analog Converters”, Kluwer, 1994 R. Schreier, S. Norsworthy & G. Temes, “ Delta-Sigma Data Converters – Principles, Design & Applications”, Wiley, 1998
A-to-D Converters Specifications from System Aspects The slide guide is available in the following file: slidesV4.3.ppt: PowerPoint 2000 format. Viewable also with PowerPoint ’97. 05/18/01 V4.3
ADC Parameters Sampling Frequency Resolution SFDR Input Bandwidth Latency
System Aspects… Signal Bandwidth System SNR requirements Signal characteristics Dynamic Range Interferers present Single/Multi Carrier 7r96
Typical Real world signals Blocker -14dBm Weak Signal -40dBm -104dBm -114dBm Noise ADC requirements derived from Strengths of the Signal and interferers.
Sampling Frequency
Filters: DSL Upstream Downstream 30KHz 130KHz 1.1MHz FDM filters: Filters to filter-off the local-echo in a Frequency-Division-Multiplexed system
Filtering: Wireless signals Weak Signal -40dBm -104dBm -114dBm Noise Filter to remove adjacent channel and other interferers.
Sampling Freq - Filtering Ideal anti-aliasing filter placed before an ADC infinite attenuation for frequencies above the cutoff frequency. sampling at fs=2fmax with no aliasing Very High order filters Typically > 8th order filters !!
High order filter High sensitivity, tougher to implement Process variation: requires calibration of filter High Power and Silicon area Non-linear phase response Effective solution is digital filters for anti-aliasing.
Receive channel Oversample the ADC Simpler Lower order Analog filter Digital filter Analog Filter Receiver A/D Converter Oversample the ADC Simpler Lower order Analog filter Anti aliasing done by the digital filter Filter –ADC complexity trade off ADC up in the signal chain Signal processing in Digital domain
Resolution Specs SNR requirement Dynamic range of the input signal Signal characteristics: Peak to Average (crest factor) Interferers present
ADC Requirement for DSL SNR for QAM Modulation (3dB/bit; 15 bits) 45dB Crest Factor for clipping < 10-8 15dB Dynamic Range lost due to Echo 0dB Margin from ADC 10dB 70dB System optimisation
Filter - ADC trade off Interferer higher power than the signal. -114dBm Noise -40dBm Weak Signal -90dBm -40dBm -90dBm -114dBm Noise Interferer higher power than the signal. For the signal to use the dynamic range of the ADC Sufficient attenuation of the interferer ( < signal power) AGC to gain the signal post filtering High order filter
Filter - ADC trade off -114dBm Noise -40dBm Weak Signal -90dBm -114dBm Noise -40dBm Weak Signal -90dBm Trade off between filter order and dynamic range lost in the ADC
SFDR Caused by Harmonics and Intermodulation products
SFDR Important parameter when digitizing broadband multicarrier signals Desired signal then is obtained by using a narrowband digital bandpass filter The SNR is improved by this digital-filtering process Advantage of oversampling
SFDR Performance of the ADC a spurious component may fall within the bandwidth of the digital filter SFDR: noise added in-band does not improve with digital-filtering. SFDR spec > than the SNR after the digital filtering Example: 15b 65MSPS ADC with SNR = 73dB SFDR = 85dB
Missing Tone Test SFDR in a multi-tone system (DSL) Power Spectrum Frequency 180KHz 1104KHz
Input Bandwidth Critical parameter for systems that use undersampling. Direct sampling of the IF signal in a wireless system Eg: 14b 125MSPS ADC sampling a 200MHz IF Jitter performance of the sampling clock for this high input frequency..
Latency systems that use the ADC in control loops In communications ADC used for AGC, power control
ADC: Bits vs. Speed Chart UWB, Disk Drives, Instrumentation Basestations, Graphics WLAN, DSL Bluetooth
Pipelined A/D Converters
Advances in ADC Speed ADC speed increase driven by desire to bring ADC closer to antenna
Advances in Power Dissipation ADC power reduction driven by portability, SOC integration Near 2X reduction every 18 months
Continuous-time S-D A/D Converters
C-T S-D ADC: BASICS vin bits Loop Filter gm S H(s) DAC S gm vin bits Architecture trades off speed for resolution; Ideal for applications where signal bandwidth is relatively small (example: Bluetooth, DSL, DVB-H) Signal sampled by the internal ADC free anti-alias filtering by the loop filter Important limitations are SNR degradation due to clock jitter (DAC) and stability concerns in higher-order loops due to excess delay (loop filter + internal quantizer)
Advances in Power Dissipation BW=10MHz; 67dB SNR BW=40MHz; 74dB SNR Significant advances in the last two years; 4X improvement in speed, 5X reduction in power dissipation