Slide 1 WGISS CEOS WGISS 22, Annapolis September 2006 Report on GEO Architecture & Data Committee (ADC) Report on GEO Architecture & Data Committee (ADC)Meetings Ivan PETITEVILLE
Slide 2 WGISS CEOS WGISS 22, Annapolis September 2006 ADC Meetings Since WGISS-21: 3 Co-Chairs telecons 2 nd ADC meeting (Seattle, July 19-22, 2006) following GEONetCast workshop –ADC Full Committee meeting on July –ADC Co-chairs meetings on July 19 and 22 1 st Coordination meeting of the 4 GEO Committees Co-Chairs (Geneva, Aug. 30)
Slide 3 WGISS CEOS WGISS 22, Annapolis September nd ADC Meeting – Major Outcomes Good progress on the GEO 2006 WP reported by the GEO Secretariat Some Major issues raised by ADC: 1.Lack of an overall project management Inter-dependency between the tasks: no assessment of delays Better communications needed between the various GEO Committees on linked tasks No close monitoring of list of deliverables and of schedule progress w.r.t. to original plans. Necessity to identify the core / foundation / critical tasks for GEOSS – high priority
Slide 4 WGISS CEOS WGISS 22, Annapolis September nd ADC Meeting – Major Outcomes Some Major issues raised by ADC (cont’): 2.No proper traceability of users requirements –Missing Tasks w.r.t. “GEO 10-year plan” targets 3.Uneven progress between Tasks 4.Lack of Overall System Engineering 5.Uneven reporting process at Task level 6.Lack of Task coordination from the POC 7.Necessity to regroup some Tasks –Better coordination needed for some architecture tasks
Slide 5 WGISS CEOS WGISS 22, Annapolis September nd ADC Meeting – Major Outcomes CEOS POC (~ Task Coordinator) for 3 GEO 2006 Tasks –Reports available –Major activity on CL (GCOS)
Slide 6 WGISS CEOS WGISS 22, Annapolis September st Co-Chairs Coordination meeting Major topics: Relationship between the Secretariat, the Committees, the Executive Committee and the Plenary Role of the task POCs vs the task members Need for closer coordination across all tasks Need to identify the few tasks that require the highest degree of cross-committee coordination Overall GEOSS Project Coordination by GEO SEC. Presentation of GEO Work Plan
Slide 7 WGISS CEOS WGISS 22, Annapolis September 2006 Adhoc meeting on System Engineering Following 1 st coordination meeting, adhoc meeting on GEO System of System engineering Participants: ADC Co-chairs, GEO SEC and Actionee (Rob Husband for D.Hinsman-WMO & ADC Co-chair) Complex problem: –today no overall system engineering approach (lack of resources) and several GEO architecture tasks executed independently Need for defining a suitable overall system engineering approach to help GEOSS implementers (e.g. – general integration procedure, generation & distribution of a Implementers Manual (=handbook) with GEO-recommended standards
Slide 8 WGISS CEOS WGISS 22, Annapolis September 2006 Example of System Engineering Tactic generation of a handbook (=GEOSS Integration Manual) summarizing the technical solutions (1. use of specific standards, protocols,.., 2. Register the component into the GEO Register,...) recommended by the GEO community (through the executions of some "core" Architecture tasks... ) distribution of that handbook to be used by any "component contributor" (i.e. the owner of a system, service, tools or data wishing to make it available to the GEO Community) obligation for the "component contributor" to: –conform to both the handbook and the GEO Users Requirements (issue where are they defined?) –use its own system engineering team for integration into GEO In case of problem during integration, some very light support could be provided by GEO SEC or ADC experts. obligation to produce some documentation and deliver it to GEO SEC (e.g. high level component description; test report if relevant,;...) obligation to allocate resources for the operations and maintenance of the components (specific contact names to be provided)
Slide 9 WGISS CEOS WGISS 22, Annapolis September 2006 GEO System Tasks Mainly addressed in : –AR-07-P1: Interoperability arrangements for GEOSS AR to 04 regrouped –AR-07-P2: Interface Implementation for GEOSS "Clearinghouse task" (AR-06-05) and the "GEO Webportal task" (DA-06-07) regrouped –DA-06-04: Data, Metadata and products Harmonisation –DA-06-06: Spatial Data Infrastructures –DA-06-09: GEOSS Best Practices Registry –DA-07-P4: Data Integration and Analysis System Potential Role for WGISS