19. April, 2004, Udine WorkshopKeiichi Mase Results from an Analysis of Muon Rings Keiichi Mase
19. April, 2004, Udine WorkshopKeiichi Mase Length of the arc ~ θ c x D/R Image Size(Total photons) ~ sin 2 θ c x 1/tan θ c x D/R ~ θ c x D/R → Good correlation between Arc Len. and SIZE Muon images is simply determined by the geometry θcθc Impact parameter (R) Mirror diameter (D) Impact parameter (R) θcθc Muons
19. April, 2004, Udine WorkshopKeiichi Mase Observed Muon Events
19. April, 2004, Udine WorkshopKeiichi Mase Information from Muons Run#17036 Event#794 Radius : 1.17 deg. Arc Len. : 4.05 deg. Arc Phi : 198 deg. Arc Wid. : deg. Est. I.P. : 4.92 m Mu SIZE : 5742 ADC
19. April, 2004, Udine WorkshopKeiichi Mase Muon Selection Criteria 0.6 < Rad. < 1.3 deg < Arc Wid. < 0.16 deg. Arc Phi > 90 deg. Mu SIZE > 2000 ADC 1 < χ arc phi 2 < 10 1 < χ arc wid 2 < 10 Correct muon ratio ~95% (Arc Phi > 180 deg.) Random Forest Method may be better solution.
19. April, 2004, Udine WorkshopKeiichi Mase Arc Width Real Data (27, Jan., 2004)Real Data (15, Feb., 2004) MC (Original)MC (Spread)
19. April, 2004, Udine WorkshopKeiichi Mase Calibration with Muons Comapre the muon SIZE of Data (ADC) with one of MC (ph.e.). The correction of MC is done. Mirror area (MC:240m 2, Data:200m 2 ) Mirror reflectivity (MC: 85%, Data: 80%) Plexiglas (MC: 100%, Data: 92%) Collection eff. (MC: 100%, Data: 90%) Light guide (MC: 100%, Data: 90%) Conv phe→ADC = 0.26±0.05 ph.e./ADC (c.f. F-factor method: Conv phe→ADC = 0.17±0.02 ph.e./ADC) Bugs (Not correctly flat-fielded) Conv. Factor from muons will become small. (0.21±0.04 ph.e./ADC?) MC Data
19. April, 2004, Udine WorkshopKeiichi Mase Muon Rates Use only one run (Run#17036 (ZA: 29.5 deg.) from 15, Feb.) (not systematical study) I put stronger condition of “Arc Phi > 180 deg.” (big arcs) 28/16870(0.17%) x 167 Hz = 0.28 Hz from Data 51/25668(0.20%) x 380 Hz = 0.76 Hz from MC (spread proton) Low muon rate (only 37%) Missing low energy muon? Detection eff. is low for real data?
19. April, 2004, Udine WorkshopKeiichi Mase Monitoring the Telescope Correlation? Arc Width Humidity
19. April, 2004, Udine WorkshopKeiichi Mase Summary Software is ready → I will commit them during this workshop. Muons are correctly extracted. (~95%). The cuts to extract muons should be optimised (option: Random Forest method) The detection efficiency of muons should be evaluated. The conversion factor from ADC to ph.e. is roughly consistent between muon and F-factor method. However, the small difference should be investigated more (, fixing my bugs). The treatment of bad pixels will be important. Observed muon rates is lower than MC (~40%). The monitoring telescope by muon should be done (, taking the correlation with the weather condition).
19. April, 2004, Udine WorkshopKeiichi Mase Back up
19. April, 2004, Udine WorkshopKeiichi Mase Muon images With increasing impact parameter, and because of coma aberration, The image of a muon becomes more similar to that of a gamma. γ image (30GeV)
19. April, 2004, Udine WorkshopKeiichi Mase Lateral distribution from a single muon MAGIC will observe many muons because of the large collection area and its high sensitivity.