ICRM RMT Working Group Review John Keightley
ICRM : RMT Working Group RMT Working Group (RMT – WG) re-instated following ICRM 2001 Loss of Many “experts” in the field over the last years VERMI Workshops RMT Sessions have continued at ICRM Broad Range of Topics Coincidence Counting Monte Carlo Modelling New Detector Systems/Techniques Bolometry (LNHB) Digital Data Acquisition for Coincidence Counting Comparisons Large Area Source measurements …
RMT Working Group In my opinion, this range of topics is too large for RMT Working Group Coordinators to keep control or make valuable input … 3 major tasks assigned to Working Group Digital Coincidence Counting (DCC) Data Conversions and comparisons (John Keightley) DCC data set Simulations (John Keightley) Tritium Comparisons (Mike Unterweger) Does not reflect full range of topics covered Volunteers for other areas ? (Please !) Discuss in Working Group Meeting
Digital Coincidence Counting (DCC) Data Conversions and comparisons
Coincidence Counting for radionuclide standardisations
Conventional Coincidence Counting ADC SCA Dead Time Delays Coinc. Mixer Scalers MCA Etc…
Digital Coincidence Counting (DCC) NPL/ANSTO KRISS CMI VNIIFTRI
DCC Data List Mode with Time Stamps for each event
Digital Coincidence Counting Data Format Conversions Conversion routines written as 32 bit DLLs in Visual C++ Only recently finished DCC – CMI conversion (last week)
Binary Data Format : Viewed in “Hexadecimal” form Large data sets.
DCC Comparisons Each system uses different data format and independent analysis software HOWEVER : WE SHOULD ALL GET SAME RESULTS FOR MEASURED ACTIVITY Same input data sets Initial Tests with data from 56 Mn source NOT to be published … First attempt at data conversions looks promising
NPL/ANSTO Digitisation does not impose extra dead time 12 bit ADCs : 20 MSPS
VNIIFTRI Pulse Time and Height (no shape data) 10 s non extending dead time inherent in digitisation process 10 bit ADCs
KRISS Pulse Time and Height (12 bit) (no shape data) 8 s non extending dead time inherent in digitisation process 28 bit clock at 100 MSPS
CMI Pulse Time and Height (8 bit) No shape data “Common” variable dead time
Preliminary Results : 56 Mn
DCC Simulation (DCC_SIM) Introduce in Working Group Meeting Test software routines at higher count rates than currently achievable in hardware i.e: REALLY test corrections for dead times, resolving times etc … Mimic output of Digitiser cards KNOWN activity, extrapolation fit parameters