SYMPTOMS OF PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS 1-Disturbances of consciousness &orientation a-Disorientation :loss of awareness of position of the self in relation to space , time &persons b-clouding of consciousness : patient react incompletely to stimuli. c-Stupor : patient is mute and immobile . d-coma : patient does not respond even to strong stimuli.
Disorders of attention 1- Distractibility : inability to focus attention Seen in mania &anxiety. 2-Hypervigilance:excessive attention and focus on all external &internal stimuli Seen in hypomania &obsessive persons. 3- Inattention : blocking out only those things that generate anxiety.
DISTURBANCES MEMORY Types of memory: Sensory M. Short term memory Long term memory:(explicit & implicit) Disorders of memory: 1-Amnesia(localized-anterograde-retrograde) 2-Paramnesia(falsification-confabulation-de ja vu-jamais vu phenomenons)
Disorders of affect and mood Affect disorders: Appropriate affect - inappropriate affect Blunted affect -flat affect Labile affect Mood disorders: Depression - irritable mood Labile mood -elevated mood Euphoria -anhedonia Others: Anxiety - fear-phobia- panic Ambivalence
DISTURBANCES OF THINKING Disorders in the form: Loss of association{ vagueness, incoherence} Derailment - irrelevance Flight of ideas -clang association Word salad -verbigeration Blocking -circumstantiality Preservation -echolalia Neologism -stereotypy Concrete thinking
DISTURBANCES OF THINKING Disorders in the contents: Poverty of content :little information or obscure phrases. Preoccupation of thought :centering on particular idea. Overvalued ideas: unreasonable &sustained false belief neither delusional or obsessional in nature. Delusions: false fixed belief ,not consistent with patient culture, personality & education. Obsessional &compulsive symptoms:
DISTURBANCES OF THINKING According to fixity: Complete -partial According to the onset: Primary -secondary Other delusional experiences: Delusional mood -delusional memory Delusional perception According to systematization: Bizarre delusion -systematized delusion According to relation with mood: Mood congruent -mood incongruent According to other features: Shared delusion -encapsulated Crystallized delusion
DISTURBANCES OF THINKING According to theme of delusion: Persecutory delusion Delusion of reference Delusion of grandeur Delusion of control Delusion of guilt Delusion of poverty Nihilistic delusion Delusion of infidelity Hypochondriacal (somatic )delusion
Obsessional and compulsive symptoms These are recurrent thought, impulses or images that enter the mind despite the patient resist it. Forms of obsessions: Obsessional thoughts - ruminations Obsessional doubts -impulses Obsessional phobia Compulsions(rituals): Checking -cleaning Counting -dressing
Disturbances of Speech Pressure of speech -poverty of speech Dysartheria -stuttering Aphasia(motor , sensory & nominal ) Disturbances of motor behavior: Tics mannerisms stereotype Negativism Echopraxia resistance Catatonia(catalepsy , catatonic stupor ,rigidity, posturing & waxy flexibility)
Disturbances of perception Hallucination -Illusion Depersonalization -Derealization Types of hallucination: A-according to complexity Elementary & complex B-according to sensory modality: Visual ,auditory ,tactile, olfactory, gustatory , hallucination of deep sensation , autoscopic H& reflex H.
Illusion Misperception of real external stimulus. More common in organic mental disorders. Depersonalization : subjective of being strange. Derealization : subjective sense the environment is strange & unreal. These phenomena occur in: Tiered healthy patients sleep ,sensory deprivation -depressive disorder-temporal lobe epilepsy-schizophrenia-anxiety disorder.
Disturbances of intelligence 1-Mental retardation 2-dementia Disturbances of insight: The ability of the patient to understand the true cause and meaning of a situation.
Etiology of psychiatric illness Classification of causes: 1- predisposing factors 2-percipitating factors 3-perpetuating factors Approaches to etiology : Biological psychodynamic Sociocultural behavioral biopsychosocial
Other factors related to psychiatric etiology 1-social factors 2-genetic 3- life events 4-biochemical 5-endocrionolgy 6-physiology 7-Neuropathology 8-experimental &clinical psychology