AER Observatory on Gender Issues Stéphane COOLS Assembly of European Regions (AER) Umeå, Västerbotten (SE) Committee 2 Plenary Session June 1-2, 2008 Assembly of European Regions, Brussels Office – Bd Baudouin 12, B – 1000 Bruxelles, Tel
New pages : Elections New name: Observatory on Gender Issues (OGI) - EN Observatoire du Genre (OG) - FR Spring session in Brussels : Migrant women and microcredit VIIIth AER Conference on Equal Opportunities Assembly of European Regions, 6 rue Oberlin, F Strasbourg, Tel , Assembly of European Regions, Brussels Office – Bd Baudouin 12, B – 1000 Bruxelles, Tel
Benvinguts a València! Equal Opportunities and equal access to the labor market : Sept ,