APECCAM Cameroon Bankers’ Association Mathieu Mandeng PRESIDENT
Financing the Economy, The Universal Banking Model Solution Financing the Economy, The Universal Banking Model Solution Retail or Consumer Banking Wholesale Banking Societal Purpose: Helping people buy homes and grow their wealth Societal Purposes: Helping businesses to set up and expand, helping to drive economic growth, helping to create jobs and in our context, fighting against poverty. CMR BANKING LANDSCAPE
Retail banking or consumer banking Performance Indicator: Banking rate : 13.81% End 2011 Performance Indicator: Banking rate : 13.81% End 2011 Value Proposition: - Current Accts, Saving Accts - Credit Cards - Mortgage loans - Unsecured loans - Wealth management - Etc… Value Proposition: - Current Accts, Saving Accts - Credit Cards - Mortgage loans - Unsecured loans - Wealth management - Etc… Societal Purpose: Helping people buy their homes and grow their wealth In need of investment solutions (net saver) In need of financial solutions (net borrower)
Challenges Proximity Image / Confidence factor Cost Challenges Proximity Image / Confidence factor Cost Skew Predominance of the informal sector Skew Predominance of the informal sector Other solutions - Micro finance - Mobile Banking / Finance Other solutions - Micro finance - Mobile Banking / Finance Banking Solutions - Extension of branch networks - Minimum guaranteed services - FOGADAC - GIMAC - Land reforms (cadastral matrix) Banking Solutions - Extension of branch networks - Minimum guaranteed services - FOGADAC - GIMAC - Land reforms (cadastral matrix)
Wholesale banking Societal Purposes: Helping businesses to set up and expand, helping to drive economic growth, helping to create jobs and in our context, fighting against poverty. Value Proposition: Lending (ST, MT, LT) Cash management Trade Foreign exchange (spot and forward) Structured trade finance Risk hedging Fix Income Loan syndication Corporate advisory M&A Debt Capital Marketing (DCM) Fund Management Interest rate swap Value Proposition: Lending (ST, MT, LT) Cash management Trade Foreign exchange (spot and forward) Structured trade finance Risk hedging Fix Income Loan syndication Corporate advisory M&A Debt Capital Marketing (DCM) Fund Management Interest rate swap Indicator: Getting credit of the ‘World Bank Doing Business’ Strategic Value Added Transactional cash, trade, sec service Basic Lending (STLX, MTLX, LTLX
Challenges: -Credit information -Debt collection Challenges: -Credit information -Debt collection Banking Solutions Other Solutions: Strengthen the financial infrastructure Leasing Factoring Venture capital/Private equity Credit enhancement institutions Specialized financial institutions Development of the financial market Credit information Credit information bureaus National register of companies Central payment incidents Legal rights Allowing out of court enforcement Allowing a general description of collateral Maintaining a unified registry
Thank you for your kind attention
18 Product Groups (as per Finance classification and Customer Profitability report) CRE Security Services Lending Cash Management and payment Trade Products Loans Overdrafts Guarantees/sta ndby Collections Payments Clearing Import Financing Export CBN Other Export Local Bills Disc. LC issue LC confirmation Acceptance Factoring LC advising FX Derivatives Options Fixed Income Syndications Project & export finance Private equity Structure d trade Private equity Commercial Banking Portfolio Management Rates & FX Debt Capital Markets Corporate Finance ALM