PTIL/PSA Regulatory changes - PSA Olav Hauso Senior Adviser Petroleum Safety Authority, Norway (PSA) Norsk Olje og Gass - Subsea Operations - Annual Conference 2013
PTIL/PSA Regulatory changes - PSA New regulations from the Labour Inspectorate (Arbeidstilsynet) also applicable for the petroleum activity (from )! PSA referring to NORSOK U-100 offshore PSA referring to NORSOK U-103 onshore describing ways to meet the requirements of the regulations. Norsk Olje og Gass - Subsea Operations - Annual Conference 2013
PTIL/PSA Regulatory changes - PSA Hyperbaric evacuation systems Two independent hyperbaric evacuation units (HEU) on each diving support vessel (DSV) Grace period of 3 years for existing DSVs Existing DSVs may operate in grace period if HEU is free to be launched – not restricted by e.g. platform Very pleased with the IMCA initiative on standardisation of HEU flanges Norsk Olje og Gass - Subsea Operations - Annual Conference 2013
PTIL/PSA Regulatory changes - PSA Depth/time restrictions Restating the 180 meters «limit» for «normal diving» as the reference for time limits; Working period(14 days/10 days) Bell run(8 hrs/6 hrs) In water time(4-6 hrs/3 hrs) Time between saturations(1X last sat./2X last sat.) Time limits as stated in the 1991 regulations for Manned Underwater Operations (MOU) No effect on todays diving (shallower than 180 meters) Norsk Olje og Gass - Subsea Operations - Annual Conference 2013
PTIL/PSA Regulatory changes - PSA Hyperbaric Evacuation Units Requirements for the boat structure itself as for any other lifeboat (see next slide) Requirements for the launching arrangements as for any other lifeboat (ref NORSOK R-002) For design of flanges the IMCA D 051, Hyperbaric Evacuation Systems (HES) Interface Recommendations, should be used Other references: IMCA D 052 – Guidance on Hyperbaric evacuation systems. Maybe too late to be included this year Norsk Olje og Gass - Subsea Operations - Annual Conference 2013
PTIL/PSA Regulatory changes - PSA Safety level, cf Facilities regs. § 44 Personnel safety: DNV-OS-E406 section 8, pnt B (limits for actions and injury to personnel). Structural integrity : DNV-OS-E406, section 2 (safety philosophy), section 3 (environmental conditions), section 4 (loads and effects of loads). Propulsion: DNV-OS-E406, section 7 D203, E103 and E301 – 306, and section 3 environmental conditions Norsk Olje og Gass - Subsea Operations - Annual Conference 2013
PTIL/PSA Regulatory changes - PSA Onshore petroleum facilities Bell/saturation diving - referring to offshore regulations and standards (NORSOK U-100) Surface oriented diving as per onshore regulations, (Labour Inspectorate) but – referring to NORSOK U-103 Manned Underwater Operations at inshore petroleum sites (more stringent requirements than the inshore regulations specify) Norsk Olje og Gass - Subsea Operations - Annual Conference 2013
PTIL/PSA Regulatory changes - PSA Safety alert number: 248 OGP Safety Alerts Corrective Actions and Recommendations: “Ensure minimum personnel levels for diving are 5. One supervisor who cannot leave the dive site, a diver, a diver's tender, a standby diver and standby diver's tender. All personnel should be diver qualified and competent.» Norsk Olje og Gass - Subsea Operations - Annual Conference 2013
PTIL/PSA Regulatory changes - PSA Taking diving far north…. No spesific regulatory elements considered to be changed pt due to geographical area Present regulations should be adequate, focusing on risk and risk management May need to reconsider if/when spesific operations should arise Norsk Olje og Gass - Subsea Operations - Annual Conference 2013
PTIL/PSA Distances going north..
PTIL/PSA 1600 NM / 3000 km