The Philippine Experience Employment-led Post-disaster Recovery: The Philippine Experience Hon. Rosalinda Dimapilis-Baldoz Secretary Department of Labor and Employment Philippines
Outline of Presentation Overview: Typhoon Haiyan and Its Impact on the Philippines PH Government’s Response and DOLE’s Critical Immediate Actions Building on the Typhoon Haiyan Experience: Lessons Learned Way Forward
Overview: Impact on the Philippines Regions 4-A (CALABARZON), 4-B (Southern Tagalog) & 5 (Bicol) Regions 6, Western Visayas), 7 (Central Visayas), & 8 (Eastern Visayas) Regions 10 (Northern Mindanao), 11 Southern Mindanao), & 13 (Caraga) Friday, 8 Nov 2013: Haiyan hits PH
Overview: Impact on the Philippines 6,201 Dead 28,626 Injured 1,785 Missing DeathsDeaths M Families 12,139 Barangays in 591 Municipalities & 57 Cities in 44 Provinces in 9 Regions Affected Population US$ M in infrastructure US$ M in agriculture Estimated Cost of Damage
Overview: Impact on the Philippines Monthly income loss of USD213.5-M (PhP9.6-B) for the vulnerably- employed Monthly income loss of USD368-M (PhP16.6-B) for 2.8-M wage workers Impact on Employment and Incomes 16-M Affected Individuals
Philippine Government’s Response: Relief and Early Recovery Initiatives RECONSTRUCTION ASSISTANCE ON YOLANDA: USD908.0-M (2014) INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS: Pledged, USD M Delivered, USD M (As of 31 Dec 2013) RELIEF EFFORTS: PH STANDBY CALAMITY FUND: USD M GOV ALLOCATION: USD57.8-M
Philippine Government’s Response: “Build Back Better” Housing & temporary shelter Social services Water supply & sanitation Transport & power infrastructure Livelihoods & employment National & local government services
Philippine Government’s Response: DOLE’s Critical, Immediate Actions On Social Protection Provision of emergency employment (Cash-for-Work) 100% of the regional minimum wage Orientation on Basic Occupational Safety and Health Provision of Personal Protective Equipment Social Insurance DOLE-funded: 27,755 beneficiaries with budget of US$ 2.8 million (P M) ILO-assisted: 5,875 beneficiaries with total budget of US$ 270,580 (P12.165M)
Philippine Government’s Response: DOLE’s Critical, Immediate Actions On Social Protection Livelihood Services for Vulnerable Workers Livelihood Restoration Livelihood Enhancement Livelihood Formation
Philippine Government’s Response: DOLE’s Critical, Immediate Actions On Social Protection Provision of Livelihood Assistance Leyte Electric Cooperative II Employees Union with 116 members 100 small entrepreneurs in 3 Tacloban City Barangays Partnership with SMART Communication Inc. to benefit 1,325 individuals
Philippine Government’s Response: DOLE’s Critical, Immediate Actions On Employment Job Search Assistance 113 local employers and licensed recruitment agencies 29,814 job vacancies4,550 job applicants 279 applicants were hired-on-the-spot (HOTS)
Lessons Learned: Building on the Typhoon Haiyan Experience Partnership/ convergence between the national and local government in relief and recovery efforts Strong ground presence to deliver services fast Partnering with the private sector and international development partners Capacity building of all stakeholders
WAY FORWARD Build Back Better Communities 2014 Budget Allocation: USD908-M 1.Shelter and public infrastructure including roads, bridges, airport, port and other facilities (67 percent); 2.Livelihood and employment, including support to agriculture and fisheries (12 percent); 3.Local facilities (11 percent); and 4.Social services, including health services, education and training (9 percent).
WAY FORWARD Build Back Better Communities – DOLE’s Contribution ENHANCED EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL PROTECTION SERVICES 1.Convergence on Technology-Driven, Resource-Based, Sustainable Livelihood 2. Emergency employment for affected workers 3. Export Processing Zone in RO 8 (Tacloban)
GOVT AGENCIES DA Sustainable Community-based Enterprises DOST Techno-preneurship Tech transfer/adoption business & livelihood trainings Cash-for- Work Nego Carts Community development, technology, and business incubation Starter Kits Community ACADEME PRIVATE SECTOR STRATEGIES TECHNOLOGIES TECHNIQUES PROGRAMS SCHEMES SYSTEM ADVISORY MENTORING IMPACT EVALUATION MONITORING ORGANIZATION NETWORKING CHANNELS INFORMATION NETWORKING CHANNELS FUNCTIONAL NETWORKING CHANNELS Way Forward: Intensification of the PH Government’s Convergence Program for Technology-driven, Resource-based, Sustainable Livelihood DOLE
Way Forward: Enhance access to emergency employment and livelihood programs Emergency and Livelihood Program All Regions prioritizing 30 poorest provinces and Yolanda-affected areas Convergence Program DAR, DADILG, DOST, DENR, DTI, DSWD, LGUs M (US$ 7.36 M) M (US$ M) 928-M (US$20.67M) B (US$27.57M) Livelihood Program 101,680 beneficiaries 100,000 beneficiaries 120,000 beneficiaries 150,000 beneficiaries Emergency Employment ---90, M (US $11.16M) --- Yolanda Projects 27,755 beneficiaries 102,011 beneficiaries M (US$ 2.8M) M (US$19.69M) --- Strategic Plan 2013 Accomplishments Targets/Resource RequirementsSupporting Depts/ Agencies
End of Presentation Visit our websites: Government of the Republic of the Philippines Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)