1. Seminar Discussion 2. Unit 6 Review 3. Questions
Unit 6 Review
COMBINING FORMS Angi/o = Aort/o = arteri/o = Atri/o = Cardi/o = Lymphaden/o = Lymph/o = Myel/o = Phleb/o, ven/o = Plasm/o = Splen/o = Thym/o = Valv/o, valvul/o = Ventricul/o = Ather/o = Ech/o = Electr/o = Isch/o = Therm/o = Thromb/o =
PREFIX SUFFIXES Brady=-ac -apheresis -graph -odynia -penia -poiesis -sclerosis
Bradycardia= Cardiodynia= Cardiomyopathy= Ischemia Multiple Myeloma= Splenomegaly=
Splenopexy= Phlebectomy= Pericardiocentesis= Angioplasty Atherectomy= Endarterectomy
Cardiac arrhythmia characterized by chaotic, rapid electric pulses in the atria= Acute compression of the heart caused by fluid accumulation in the pericardial cavity=
Inability to pump enough through the body to supply the tissues and organs with nutrients and blood Distended or torturous veins found in the lower extremities=
Ballooning of a weakened portion of an arterial wall= Malignant disorder of the lymphatic tissue characterized by progressive enlargement of the lymph nodes, usually beginning in the cervical nodes
Which amino acid increases the risk for heart disease? What is the term used to describe “good” cholesterol? Which protein in the blood is used as an indication if increased inflammation in the body?
COMBINING FORMS An/o = Antr/o = Cec/o = Col/o, colon/o = Duoden/o = Enter/o = Esophag/o =
Gastr/o = Ile/o = Jejun/o = Or/o, stomat/o = Proct/o, rect/o = Sigmoid/o = Abdomin/o, celi/o, lapar/o =
Appedic/o = Cheil/o = Cholangi/o = Chol/e = Choledoch/o = Diverticul/o =
Gingiv/o = Gloss/o, lingu/o = Hepat/o = Herni/o = Palat/o = Pancreat/o = Polyp/o =
Cholecystitis Diverticulosis Hepatoma Proctoptosis Cholelithiasis
Abdominocentesis Choledocholithotomy Enterorrhaphy Diverticulectomy Gastroplasty
1. The mitral valve is on the right side of the heart.
The mitral valve is on the left side of the heart
2. The function of leukocytes is blood coagulation.
The function of leukocytes is fighting infection. OR The function of thrombocytes is blood coagulation.
3. Capillaries are macroscopic in size.
Capillaries are microscopic in size.
4. The term arteriole means pertaining to an artery.
The term arteriole means a small artery.
5. Twisting or kinking of the intestines is called volvulus.
Twisting or kinking of the intestines is called volvulus.
The serous sac lining of the abdominal and pelvic cavities is called the: A.peritoneum B.cardia C.ileum D.soft palate
The word part that completes the medical term meaning pertaining to the mouth, _________/al, is: A.an B.or C.col D.rect
The meaning of the medical term diverticulosis is: A.condition of stones in the common bile duct B.abnormal condition of (multiple) polyps (in the mucous membrane of the intestine) C.inflammation of diverticulum D.abnormal condition of having diverticula
The medical term meaning chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, usually affecting the ileum, is: A.Crohn’s disease B.cirrhosis C.ileus D.bulimia nervosa
A.Crohn’s disease
The medical term gavage refers to: A. washing out of the stomach B. disorder of inflammation of the intestines associated with diarrhea and abdominal pain C. process of feeding a person through a nasogastric tube D. matter expelled from the stomach through the mouth
C. process of feeding a person through a nasogastric tube