Infantile cholestasis 浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院 江米足
Neonatal jaundice Neonatal jaundice is one of the most common conditions needing medical attention in newborn babies. About 60% of term and 80% of preterm babies develop jaundice in the first week of life, and about 10% of breast fed babies are still jaundiced at age 1 month. Neonatal jaundice is generally harmless, but high concentrations of unconjugated bilirubin may occasionally cause kernicterus (permanent brain damage).
Physiologic jaundice Jaundice becomes visible on the 2nd-3rd day, usually peaking between the 2nd and 4th days at 5-6mg/dl and decreasing to below 2 mg/dl between the 5th and 7th days of life. 6-7% of full-term infants have indirect bilirubin levels ≥ 12.9 mg/dl and less than 3% have levels ≥ 15 mg/dl. Indirect bilirubin levels in full-term infants decline to adult levels (1mg/dl) by days of life.
In contrast to physiological unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia, which requires careful monitoring but is common and usually benign, the presence of significant conjugated bilirubin always indicates pathology
Pathologic jaundice It appears in the 1st 24-36hr of life Serum bilirubin is rising at a rate faster than 5 mg/dl/24hr. Serum bilirubin is ≥ 12 mg/dl in full-term or mg/dl in preterm infants. Jaundice persists after days of life. Direct-reacting bilirubin is ≥ 2 mg/dl at any time. Among other factors suggesting a nonphysiologic cause of jaundice.
Cholestasis An alternative or concomitant response to injury caused by extrahepatic or intrahepatic obstruction to bile flow. Accumulation in serum of substances normally excreted in bile such as direc-reacting bilirubin choesterol bile acid trace elements occurs
Neonatal cholestasis Neonatal cholestasis is defined a sprolonged elevation of serum levels of conjugated bilirubin beyond the first 14 days of life. Jaundice that appears after 2 wk of age, progress after this time, or does not resolve at this time should be evaluated and a direct bilirubin level determined.
Neonatal cholestasis May be due to infectious, genetic, metabolic, or undefined abnormalities mechanical obstuction of bile flow functional impairment of hepatic excretory function and bile secretion. May be divided into extrahepatic and intrahepatic disease.
Neonatal cholestasis Intrahepatic disease Extrahepatic disease (bile duct injury or obstruction) Extrahepatic biliary atresia Hepatocyte injuryBile duct injury Intrahepatic bile duct hypoplasia or paucity Metabolic disease Viral disease Idiophathic neonatal hepatitis
Extrahepatic disorders Biliary atresia sclerosing cholangitis Bile duct stenosis Choledochal cyst Choledochal-pancreaticoductal junction Anomaly Spontaneous perforation of the bile duct Mass (neoplasia, stone) Bile/mucous plug
Intrahepatic disorders Intrahepatic cholestasis, persistent “ Idiopathic ” neonatal hepatitis Alagille syndrome (Arteriohepatic dysplasia) Intrahepatic biliary hypoplasia or paucity of intrahepatic bile ducts (nonsyndromic) Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis (PFIC) Intrahepatic cholestasis, recurrent Familial benign recurrent cholestasis associated with lymphedema (Aagenaes) Congenital hepatic fibrosis Caroli disease (cystic dilatation of intrahepatic ducts)
Metabolic disorders Disorders of amino acid metabolism Tyrosinemia Disorders of lipid metabolism Wolman ’ s disease/cholesterol ester storage disease Niemann-Pick disease Gaucher ’ s disease Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism Galactosemia Fructosemia Glycogen storage disease, Type IV Disorders of bile acid metabolism Other metabolic defects 1-antitrypsin deficiency Cystic fibrosis Idiopathic hypopituitarism Hypothyroidism
Infectious Generalized bacterial sepsis with possible endotoxemia Viral infection Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Rubella virus Herpes virus (HSV and HHV-6 and -7) varicella virus Coxsackie virus ECHO virus reovirus type 3 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Parvovirus B19 Hepatitis A, B, and C virus (rare) others Toxoplasmosis Syphilis tuberculosis Listeriosis
Genetic and Miscellaneous Genetic or chromosomal Trisomy E Down syndrome Donahue syndrome (leprechaunism) Miscellaneous Langerhans cell histiocytosis Shock or hypoperfusion Associated with intestinal obstruction Associated with enteritis Neonatal lupus erythematosus
Differentiation of cholestasis The clinical features of any form of cholestasis are similar. In an affected neonate, the diagnosis of certain entities, such as galactosemia, sepsis, and hypothyroidism, is relatively simple. In most cases, the cause of cholestasis is more obscure. Differentiation among biliary atresia, idopathic neonatal hepatitis, and intrahepatic cholestasis is particularly difficult.
Infantile cholestasis Alagille syndrome PFIC Biliary atresia
Alagille syndrome Description: autosomal dominant intrahepatic cholestasis syndrome absence of bile ducts associated with congenital heart disease Organs involved: liver (2)2 heart(1, 2)12 Who is most affected: onset of most symptoms ≤ 1 year old(2)2 males and females equally(1)1 Incidence/Prevalence: about 1 in 70,000 births of all races worldwide(2)2
Alagille syndrome Causes: autosomal dominant(1)1 genetic defect on short arm of chromosome 20 with incomplete penetrance, variable expression Jagged1 gene identified in 70% Alagille syndrome patients, which encodes a ligand for the notch receptor
Alagille syndrome Complications: cirrhosis increased risk of hemorrhage based on series of 174 patients with Alagille syndrome 38 (22%) had hemorrhagic complications 14% overall mortality due to hemorrhage 3 (1.7%) deaths from intracranial bleeding case report of infant with acute intracranial hemorrhage presenting with irritability seizures vomiting
Alagille syndrome Associated conditions: associated with(1)1 growth retardation renal impairment secondary to mesangiolipidosis other skeletal, cardiopulmonary and ocular abnormalities congenital heart disease reported in 85% of patients with Alagille syndrome(1)1 peripheral pulmonic stenosis(1)1 bony defects butterfly vertebra spina bifida unilateral cystic kidney, abdominal coarctation, talon cusp dental anomaly
Alagille syndrome Most common syndrome incorporating intrahepatic bile duct paucity. Clinical manifestations in various and nonspecific Facial characteristic broad forehead, deep-set, widely spaced eyes, long and straight nose, an underdeveloped mandible Ocular abnormalities: posterior embryotoxon Cardiovascular abnormalities Peripheral pulmonic stenosis, tetralogy of Fallot Vertebral arch defects and failure of anterior vertebral arch fusion (butterfly vertebrae) Tubulointerstitial nephrophathy Growth retardation and defective spermatogenesis
History of Alagille syndrome Chief concern (CC): jaundice pruritus History of present illness (HPI): 5 main characteristics chronic cholestasis characteristic facies: broad forehead, deep-set eyes, straight nose, pointed chin posterior embryotoxon (congenital opaque ring around margin of cornea) butterfly-like vertebral-arch defects seen on radiologic studies cardiopulmonary malformations less common features(2)2 intracranial bleeding pancreatic insufficiency
Testing overview: liver biopsy gene testing for Jagged1 mutation echocardiography Biopsy and pathology: presence of decreased intrahepatic bile ducts on liver biopsy (defined as ratio of interlobular bile ducts to portal tracts < 0.5)(2)2
Making the diagnosis 5 characteristic features(2)2 chronic cholestasis characteristic facies: broad forehead, deep-set eyes, straight nose, pointed chin posterior embryotoxon butterfly-like vertebral-arch defects cardiovascular malformations ratio of interlobular bile ducts to portal tracts <0.5 in association with(2)2 ≥ 3 characteristic features or 2 characteristic features if patient has positive family history or 1 characteristic feature if patient has Jagged1 gene defect (mutation)
Therapy Treatment: medium-chain triglycerides and intramuscular administration of fat-soluble vitamins may be considered ursodeoxycholic acid and/or cholestyramine may reduce pruritus liver transplant may be needed for severe liver disease Diet: medium-chain triglyceride supplement may be used
Prognosis The prognosis for prolonged survival is good, which varies depending on severity of hepatic or cardiac involvement(2),2 Patients are likely to have pruritus, xanthomas with markedly elevated serum cholesterol levels, and neurologic complications of vitamin E deficiency if untreated. liver transplantation necessary in 21-31% of cases(2)2
Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis (PFIC) Due to defects in specific transport proteins involved in bile formation Characterized by unique structural abnormalities in the bile canalicular membrane. Present with failure to thrive, steatorrhea, pruritus, rickets, and low GGT levels. Cirrhosis gradually develops. Differentiation from Alagille syndrome is the absence of bile duct paucity and extrahepatic features.
PFIC PFIC type 1 (Byler disease) Low GGT, normal serum cholesterol, high serum bile acid levels mapped to chromosome 18q12, present in Amish family. PFIC type 2, similar to Byler disease has gene locus at chromosome 2q24, present in non-Amish family (Middle Eastern Europeans) PFIC type 3, High serum levels of GGT, histologically by portal bile duct inflammation and proliferation at chromosome 7q21
PFIC: Types, related genes, and transport defects. DiseaseGene Transport defect PFIC1 PFIC2 PFIC3 ATP8B1 18q21-22 ABCB11 2q24 ABCB4 7q21 BA PC FIC1 P type ATP ase BA PC BSEP MDR3 HepatocyteCanaliculus Aminophospholipids Phosphatidyl serine Phosphatidyl ethanolamine BA: bile acid; PC: phosphatidylcholine.
Biliary atresia Description: neonatal disorder with obliteration or discontinuity of extrahepatic biliary system and obstruction of bile flow, leading to persistent direct hyperbilirubinemia beyond the first two weeks of life
Biliary atresia Types: correctable vs. noncorrectable 20% correctable type - normal common bile duct becomes atretic distally 80% noncorrectable - no macroscopic biliary system in portal triad embryonal or fetal (10%-35%) vs. progressive post-natal (65%-90%) embryonal type associated with congenital anomalies in 10%-20% cases, more severe in embryonal type
Figure 1 Schematic illustration of classification of biliary atresia types 1,2,3 Jane L Hartley, Mark Davenport, Deirdre A Kelly Biliary atresia types
Organs involved: liver, intrahepatic and extrahepatic biliary ducts Who is most affected: 4 weeks to 4 months after birth more common in girls than boys twice as common in African American infants compared to Caucasian infants more common among Chinese than Japanese or Caucasian infants Incidence/Prevalence: typical estimates are 1/10,000-13,000 births
Pathogenesis fetal/embryonic type - congenital obliteration of bile ducts progressive post-natal type acquired inflammatory process with gradual degeneration of epithelium of extrahepatic biliary ducts causes luminal obliteration, cholestasis and biliary cirrhosis secondary loss of intrahepatic tree from complications of obstruction
Complication biliary cirrhosis bone disease (osteoporosis, osteopenia, rickets, fractures) reported in 5 studies with > 100 children with biliary atresia, rates ranged from 11% to 45% developmental anomalies tend to occur in heart, digestive tract or spleen
History Chief concern (CC): jaundice History of present illness (HPI): jaundice for more than 2-6 weeks after birth or remitting jaundice, otherwise apparently healthy infant may have light stools (acholic stools), dark urine (choluria) malnourishment in patients with more progressive liver disease
physical General physical: infant usually has normal activity and nutrition early in disease Skin: jaundice HEENT: scleral icterus Abdomen: hepatomegaly, liver may be hard splenomegaly
Making the diagnosis infant with jaundice after age 14 days medically treatable causes of neonatal cholestasis excluded other structural abnormalities excluded by abdominal ultrasound liver biopsy shows findings of biliary atresia (cholestasis, bile duct proliferation, bile ductular cholestasis, extramedullary hematopoiesis, giant cell transformation of hepatocytes) exploratory laparotomy and intraoperative cholangiogram demonstrates obliteration of biliary system
Differentiate diagnosis TORCH syndrome - congenital infections such as toxoplasmosis other (for example, syphilis), rubella, CMV, herpes alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency biliary hypoplasia paucity of bile ducts
Testing overview persistent direct hyperbilirubinemia beyond 2 weeks of life requires thorough work-up blood tests liver panel - transaminases, alkaline phosphate, bilirubin, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase coagulation studies - PT/INR, PTT TORCH titers (toxoplasma, RPR, rubella, CMV, HSV) serum protein electrophoresis (SPEP) for AAT deficiency ultrasound - right and left upper quadrants
Testing overview nuclear scans for biliary excretion into gastrointestinal tract with 99m-Tc-iminodiacetic acid derivatives (HIDA, PIPIDA, DISIDA) after pre-stimulation with phenobarbital orally for 5 days, may be useful if ultrasound results equivocalphenobarbital endoscopic studies - yellow bilirubin pigment in duodenal aspirate rules out biliary atresia percutaneous liver biopsy if no hepatobiliary excretion diagnostic laparoscopy (or laparotomy) if unable to rule out biliary atresia intraoperative cholangiogram hepatic biopsy
Blood tests conjugated hyperbilirubinemia with or without liver enzyme abnormalities depending on degree of liver damage elevated lipoprotein-X elevated GGT levels (> 300 units/L in 90% of patients) combination of lipoprotein-X > 89 mg/100 mL and GGT > 194 units/L differentiated 11 Japanese infants with biliary atresia from 13 Japanese infants with intrahepatic cholestasis PT/INR and PTT may be elevated secondary to vitamin K deficiency, these children are at risk for intracranial hemorrhage
Biliary Atresia: Evaluation Acholic Stool Acholic Stool Laboratory GGT/ALK Phos GGT/ALK Phos ALT/AST ALT/AST Conjugated Bili Conjugated Bili > 20% of total > 20% of total Hepatomegaly Hepatomegaly
Ultrasound useful findings in biliary atresia - 85% sensitivity, 80% specificity absent or small gallbladder that does not contract upon hormonal stimuli no biliary dilation increased liver echogenicity triangular cord sign (triangular or tubular echogenic density seen immediately cranial to the portal vein bifurcation) reliable for diagnosing or ruling out biliary atresia
"Triangular cord" sign A triangular/tubular, echogenic density seen just cranial to the portal vein bifurcation in BA A triangular/tubular, echogenic density seen just cranial to the portal vein bifurcation in BA Simple, noninvasive, inexpensive, timesaving, and reliable Simple, noninvasive, inexpensive, timesaving, and reliable Park et al J Hepatobil Pancreat Surg 2001;8:337 Kotb et al Pediatrics 2001;108:416
Hepatobiliary scintigraphy may be of value to rule out biliary atresia (BA) if ultrasound results are equivocal findings in BA increased hepatic uptake during early injection no significant bilioenteric excretion in delayed films (that is, no isotope in intestine at 24 hours) nuclear scan for BA has nearly 100% sensitivity and 85%-95% specificity nuclear scan more sensitive than ultrasound for BA no activity in bowel after 24 hours on technetium Tc- 99m mebrofenin cholescintigraphy had 100% sensitivity, 93% specificity, 80% positive predictive value and 100% negative predictive value
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) no visualization of biliary ducts in biliary atresia very expensive can identify other diseases may avoid laparotomy
Biopsy and pathology percutaneous liver biopsy - 90% sensitivity, 80% specificity deferred until 6 weeks of age when portal tracts best developed 5 most common findings in biliary atresia cholestasis bile duct proliferation bile ductular cholestasis extramedullary hematopoiesis giant cell transformation of hepatocytes findings associated with poor prognosis - giant cells, lobular necrosis, focal necrosis, bridging necrosis, cholangitis stain with PAS can exclude AAT deficiency
Other diagnostic testing diagnostic laparoscopy (or laparotomy) if unable to rule out BA gallbladder - fibrotic or extremely small, mucoid clear secretions or no fluid liver - early subcapsular telangiectasias intraoperative cholangiography if normal biliary system - wedge biopsy of liver and close if abnormal biliary system - explore porta hepatis for atretic duct
Screening infant stool color card described as screening method for biliary atresia parents asked to observe infant's stool color and assign 1 of 7 numbers based on different color pictures, about 65% (78,184 infants) had stool color card returned at 1-month-old checkup, study conducted in Taiwan 29 infants (0.037%) diagnosed with biliary atresia, of whom 26 were identified before age 60 days with stool color card stool color card had 89.7% sensitivity, 99.9% specificity and 28.6% positive predictive value
English version of the infant stool color card (first edition). Chen S et al. Pediatrics 2006;117: ©2006 by American Academy of Pediatrics
Treatment overview medical management is uniformly fatal surgical management in infancy diagnostic laparoscopy (or laparotomy) intraoperative cholangiography if normal biliary system - wedge biopsy of liver and close, not BA if abnormal biliary system - explore porta hepatis for atretic duct correctable type if extrahepatic duct found - anastomosis to Roux-en-Y loop of jejunum
Treatment overview surgical management in infancy noncorrectable type - Kasai procedure (hepatoportoenterostomy) anastomosis of loop of jejunum to liver hilus initial therapeutic approach in most patients with BA 50%-65% of patients who undergo Kasai procedure ultimately require liver transplantation consider primary liver transplant for infants not likely to benefit from Kasai procedure
liver transplantation usually after Kasai procedure, but can be done as primary surgery 10% will require early retransplantation 5% will require retransplantation later in life due to chronic rejection
Prognosis universally fatal without surgery, median survival 8 months 5-year survival 52.7% to 64.5%, 69.4% to 79.5% without or with liver transplantation. prognosis of patients who undergo Kasai portoenterostomy 29%-60% 5-year survival, 25%-35% 10-year survival, 8% 20-year survival many will require liver transplantation survivors have long-term complications prognosis related to age at diagnosis and surgery prognosis related to microscopic stage of biliary tree from hilar specimen good prognosis if ductules > 120 microns very poor prognosis if ductules < 70 microns
Significant predictors of poor outcome Caucasian race operative age > 60 days cirrhosis at initial biopsy non-patent extrahepatic ducts absent ducts at plane of hepatic hilar transection postoperative varices or ascites