Department of Radiation Oncology
Facilities Available 3 Linear Accelerators Namely 1. Novalis Tx with 2 photon and 6 Electron beems. OBI and RPM – Gating to deliver treatments with modern techniques: IMRT, Rapid Arc, Etc. Brain lab Accessories to carry out SRS / SRT / SBRT / IMRS treatments. 2.Clinac ix with 2 photon and 5 Electron beems. OBI and RPM – Gating to carry out Image Guided Rapid Arc treatments. 3.Clinac – 600C with 6MV single photon beem 4.HDR – Brachytherapy Unit 5.4D Treatment Planning Systems 6.ARIA Networking Systems
Novalis Tx with 2 photon and 6 Electron beems. OBI and RPM – Gating to deliver treatments with modern techniques: IMRT, Rapid Arc, Etc. Brain lab Accessories to carry out SRS / SRT / SBRT / IMRS treatments.
Clinac ix with 2 photon and 5 Electron beems. OBI and RPM – Gating to carry out Image Guided Rapid Arc treatments.
Clinac – 600C with 6MV single photon beem
HDR – Brachytherapy Unit
4D Treatment Planning Systems
All the above equipment are networked with Varian ARIA networking system.
Facts about Cancer Cancer World wide – The Global picture The report of international agency for Research and Cancer (WHO) syas that. ● Cases of Cancer dubled Globally between 1975 and ● Cancer cases will duble again by 2020 ● Cancer cases will nearly triple by 2030
There were an estimated 12 million new cancer diagnoses and more than 7 million deaths world wide this year. The projected numbers for 2030 are ● 20 to 26 millions new cases and ● 13 to 17 million deaths
Reasons for the increased rates include Adoption of tobacco use Higher fat diets Demographic changes Pollution and release of carcinogenics in the environment including population increase by the year 2030
Cancer in INDIA Cancer has become one of the 3 rd leading causes of death in India. It is estimated that 1.5 to 2.0 million cancer cases at any given point of time Over 7 lakh new cases of Cancer and 3 lakh deaths per year. Nearly 15 lakh patients require facilities for diagnosis, treatment and fallow up at a given time. The total cancer burden in India will become double by 2026.
Cancer Scenario in AP ●About 1 lakh new cancer cases per year ●About 2 lakh patients require facilities for diagnosis, treatment and fallow up at any given time ●At present about 200 new cases are diagnosed every day ●WHO report says that about 100 cancer centres are needed in Andhra Pradesh.
The most common cancers in AP are: ●Head & Neck, Lung, Rectum, Prostate and Esophagus cancers etc. in men and ●Cervix, Breast and Ovarian Cancers in women patients.
Relative five-year survival estimates of cancer cases observed during , by sex and site are as shown below
The modern and revolutionised innovative treatment techniques have improved the above shown survival rates of the cancer patients. Presently if the cancer case is diagnosised in early stage it can be treated with modern techniques success fully for its cure and 100% survival of the patient.
Keeping the above facts in view, the KIMS unveils an Advanced World Class and a first of its kind Ultra Modern Cancer Care Facility designed for Accurate Diagnostics and Precise Treatment with an investment of over Rs.100 Crores.
Some of the latest treatment techniques Available in KIMS Cancer Centre such as Image Guided Rapid Arc and SRS / SRT treatments are shown below to give you an idea of treatment procedures
Brian Lab SRS Treatment
The patient tracking during the treatment by ExacTrac System of brain lab
The moving tumors due to breathing can be treated with RPM – Respiratory Gating System
RPM – Respiratory Gating System is a state of art gated radiation delivery for the tumors inside or near the moving organs of the body like lung, breast, and upper abdominal sites. Treatment is planned by using 4D CT images of the patient in conjunction with computerized dose calculations which takes care of the tumor motion in different phases of breathing during the treatment. Real time Position Management (RPM) – Respiratory Gating System