Take out book and read for SSR Take out book and read for SSR
BODERP How to Write an Essay Like a Pro.
The Purpose of an Essay Teachers assign essays to see if you can: 1) Present your thoughts in an organized way 2) Apply what you’ve read to other situations, or your own life.
B = Brainstorm The first step to writing an essay is to Brainstorm. Ways to brainstorm: 1) Bulleted list 2) Web outline 3) Draw a picture 4) Write a brain-dump quick-write. 5) Walk around the room talking out loud to yourself about the topic (don’t do this during class). 6) Talk about the topic with someone else.
O = Outline You Outline your essay for two reasons: 1) To fit the format of your assignment (example: Five paragraph essay). 2) To make sure you have enough ideas to write your essay. If you realize you do not have enough information for the essay, go back to the Brainstorm step.
D = Draft The Draft is the first version of your essay that is written in the format that your teacher has assigned. - It is not complete. - It will be changed. - It looks like an essay, but it isn’t (yet).
E & R = Edit & Revise After you finish writing your Draft, you need to Edit & Revise your work. 1) Look back at the original writing prompt and ask yourself if you’ve really answered the questions. 2) Look back at your brainstorming, and ask yourself if you’ve presented your ideas in the best possible way. 3) Have at least two other people read your essay and offer ideas and suggestions.
E & R = Edit & Revise 4) Spell check! 5) Grammar check! 6) Have at least two other people read your essay and offer ideas and suggestions. 7) Re-write the essay to make these changes.
P = Proof-Read Finally, Proof-Read your essay. 1) This is the last time you will read your essay, so read slowly and carefully. 2) Check the directions for the essay one more time to make sure you didn’t miss anything. 3) Make any last minute changes, and turn in your essay!
Where I’m From/Where I’m Going Poems Where I’m From/Where I’m Going Poems Make sure Where I’m Going Will Fit in Your Frame Make sure Where I’m Going Will Fit in Your Frame Use 9 or 10 point font Use 9 or 10 point font Put poem in frame…may use construction paper to keep poem steady Put poem in frame…may use construction paper to keep poem steady
5 Paragraph Essay Format
#1 - Introduction Starts with a “hook” to make the reader want to read the rest of the essay. ex- “Dogs are not just ‘man’s best friend.’ In this savage and unforgiving world, dogs are man’s only friend. 2-4 sentences discussing the topic in general. ex- “Throughout history, dogs have been mankind’s constant companions. They hunt, protect, ….” A thesis statement that states your 3 main arguments. ex- “Dogs are great pets because they help owners get exercise and are loyal and friendly.”
Paragraphs 2, 3, & 4 Paragraph Two Start with a topic sentence. ex- “Dogs help their owners get exercise in a variety of ways.” Now support that statement with at least 3 supporting details. ex- “Many dog owners jog with their pets.” Paragraphs 3 & 4 follow the same format, using the other two main arguments from your thesis statement.
#5 Conclusion Your Conclusion paragraph will: Restate your thesis statement. Deal with any possible arguments against your thesis statement. Summarize all the main arguments.