Unit II, Lesson 3 一. Ikuall 一塊儿 : Together 1. 我們一塊儿去,好不好﹖ Let’s go together. Woo.men ikuall chiuh, hao.buhao? 2. 好,我跟你一塊儿去。 Hao, woo gen nii ikuall chiuh.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit II, Lesson 3 一. Ikuall 一塊儿 : Together 1. 我們一塊儿去,好不好﹖ Let’s go together. Woo.men ikuall chiuh, hao.buhao? 2. 好,我跟你一塊儿去。 Hao, woo gen nii ikuall chiuh. O.K., I’ll go with you. 3. 你看,丁一跟誰坐在一塊儿﹖ Nii kann! Ding I gen sheir tzuoh tzay ikuall? Look! Who is Ding I sitting with? 4. 他還跟他母親住在一塊儿嗎﹖ Ta hair gen ta muu.chin juh tzay ikuall.ma? Does he still live together with his mother?

Unit II, Lesson 3 二. Localizers with Tzay 在 and Yeou 有 : Definite things act as subjects of tzay, indefinite as predicates of yeou. 1. 老虎在桌子上。 桌子上有老虎。 Lao.huu tzay juotz.shanq. Juotz.shanq yeou lao.huu. The tiger is on the table. There is a tiger on the table. 2. 你的茶葉在我屋裡。 我屋裡有茶葉。 Nii.de charyeh tzay woo u.lii. Woo u.lii yeou charyeh. Your tea is in my room. There is tea in my room. 3. 我的衣服在不在你那儿﹖ Woo.de i.fwu tzay.butzay nii.nall? Do you have my clothes? 4. 哎呀!我酒杯裡有一塊甚麼東西啊﹖ Ai.ya! Woo jeou bei.lii yeou i-kuay sherm.me dong.shi.ah? Horrors! What’s in my wine glass?

Unit II, Lesson 3 三. Jihran 既然 : As long as, since, in as much as, given that, if: 1. 既然已經那麼晚了,我們別去吧。 Jihran yii.jing nemm.me woan.le, woo.men bye chiuh.ba. (Seeing as) it’s so late, let’s not go. 2. 今天既然那麼熱,我們在外邊儿上課好不好﹖ Jintian jihran nemm.me reh, woo.men tzay way.bial shanq-keh, hao.buhao? Since it is so hot today, how about having class outside? 3. 我們既然來了,怎麼能不去看他呢﹖ Woo.men jihran lai.le, tzeem.me neng bu chiuh kann.ta.ne? Having come, how can we not go see him? 4. 既然丁一沒來,就沒事儿。 Jihran Ding I mei lai, jiow mei shell. As long as Ding I didn’t come, allis well.

Unit II, Lesson 3 四. Yong.buyonq 用不用 : To need to, to have to (N.B. not used in the positive): 1. 我用不用跟他說你來了﹖ Woo yonq.buyonq gen ta shuo nii lai.le? Do I need to tell him you’ve come? 2. 他不用買酒,我們的酒夠了。 Ta buyonq mae jeou. Woo.men.de jeou gow.le. He doesn’t have to buy wine. We’ve got plenty. 3. 我懂。你不用說了。 Woo dong. Nii buyonq shuo.le. I understand. You don’t have to say anymore.

Unit II, Lesson 3 五. Daw 倒 or Daw.sh 倒是 : Contrary to what you might expect, on the contrary, unlike the rest of you (N.B. an adverb) 1. 第三課倒很容易。 The third lesson (mirabile dictu) is quite easy. Dih san keh daw heen rongyih. 2. 我倒不覺得。 (To the contrary,) I don’t think so. Woo daw bujyue.de. 3. 人人都說他是個大好人,我倒覺得他是個大壞蛋。 Renren dou shuo ta sh g dah haoren. Woo daw jyue.de ta sh g dah huaydann. Everybody says he is a saint. I think he is a blinking lout.

Unit II, Lesson 3 六. Haoshianq.. (shyh.de) 好像.. 似的 : To seem to be, to look as if, to look like, to appear to, apparently. Shyh.de 似的, meaning something like “f rom the look of it, ” is often tacked on to the end of a haoshianq clause for reinforcement, but it may also stand alone – at the end of a clause. 1. 他的同學好像都不喜歡他。 Ta.de torngshyue haoshianq dou bu shii.huan.ta. His classmates all seem to dislike him. 2. 你好像很會似的. You seem to be very good at that. Ni haoshianq heen huey shyh.de. 3. 好像那邊儿有椅子。 There seem to be some chairs over there. Haoshianq ney.bial yeou yiitz. I think there are some chairs over there. 6. 他 ( 好像 ) 不舒服似的。 He looks a bit peaked. Ta (haoshianq) bushu.fwu.shyh.de.

Unit II, Lesson 3 七. Tsair 才 : Then and only then: (One must reach what comes before the tsair before what follows it will be true) 1. 我明天才去。 I’m not going until tomorrow. Woo mingtian tsair chiuh 2. 他說了三次我才懂。 Ta shuo.le san tsyh woo tsair doong. He said it three times before I understood. 3. 不,不,不,他不是丁一,我才是丁一呢。 Bu, bu, bu. Ta bush Ding I. Woo tsair sh Ding I.ne! No, no, no. He is not Ding I. I am! 4. 有酒我才去。 I won’t go unless there is wine. Yeou jeou woo tsair chiuh. Only if there is wine will I go. If there is wine then I’ll go (if there isn’t I won’t).

Unit II, Lesson 3 八. I-shiah 一下 : a) A moment; b) Once, a counter for actions: 1. 請等一下。 Chiing deeng i-shiah. Please wait a moment. 2. 你坐一下,好不好﹖ Nii tzuoh i-shiah, hao.buhao. Sit down a minute, will you? Please sit down for a minutes. 3. 請你看一下。 Chiing nii kann i-shiah. Please take a look. similar to 看一看 kann i-kann.

Unit II, Lesson 3 九. Gang 剛 : Just (adv.): 1. 他剛走。 He just left. Ta gang tzoou. 2. 你怎麼剛吃完飯就餓了。 Nii tzeem.me gang chy-wan fann jiow eh.le? How can you be hungry just after you’ve finished eating? 3. 哎呀!我剛吃了一塊。有毒嗎﹖ Ai.ya. Woo gang chy.le i-kuay. Yeou dwu.ma? Oh dear. I just ate a piece. Was it poisoned?

Unit II, Lesson 3 十. Tzoong 總, Tzoong.sh 總是, Butzoong.sh 不總是, Tzoong bu 總不, Tzoong bu.sh 總不是 : Always, not always, never (with general statements): 1. 他總是說 “ 先看再跳 ” 。 Ta tzoong.sh shuo, “S hian kann tzay tiaw. ” He always says, “Look before you leap.” 2. 你總是可以用英文寫。 You can always write it in English. Nii tzoong.sh kee.yii yonq Ing’wen shiee. 3. 他不總是那樣儿。 Ta butzoong.sh ney yanql. He’s not always like that. 4. 他們總不問問題。 Ta.men tzoong bu wenn wenn.tyi. They never ask questions.

Unit II, Lesson 3 十一. Dou.sh 都是 : Following a place or object: To be full of, covered with, nothing but: 1. 哎呀!他臉上都是蛋! Ai.ya. ta lean.shanq dou.sh dann. Ugh. He’s got egg all over his face. 2. 你看,我椅子上都是啤酒。 Nii kann, woo yii.tz shanq dou.sh pyijeou. Look, my chair is all covered with beer. 3. 丁一的屋子裡都是龍。 Ding I.de u.tz.lii dou.sh long. Ding I’s room is wall to wall dragons.

Unit II, Lesson 3 十二. Kee.yii 可以 : A: May: 1. 我可以吃一個嗎﹖ May I eat one? Woo kee.yii chy ig.ma? 2. 不可以。丁一不可以用我的筷子。 Bu kee.yii. Ding I bu kee.yii yonq woo.de kuaytz. No. Ding I may not use my chopsticks. B. Can, could, could have (used with possible courses of action, not physical ability): 1. 你不喜歡美國,可以到英國去啊! Nii bushii.huan Meeigwo, kee.yii daw Inggwo chiuh.ah. If you don’t like America, you can go to England. 2. 那你可以跟他母親說。 Nah, nii kee.yii gen ta muu.chin shuo. In that case, you can tell (could have told) his mother.

Unit II, Lesson 3 十二. Kee.yii 可以 : C. A polite (at least in form) could: 1. 你可以不可以不說話﹖ Nii kee.yii bu kee.yii bu shuo-huah? Do you think you could refrain from talking? 2. 你可不可以給我一毛錢﹖ Nii kee bukee.yii geei woo i mau chyan? Could you spare a dime?