How to Write a Bill Once you've found an interesting and relevant topic on which to write your bill and have done the necessary research, the next step is actually getting your bill ready for discussion in committee. Bills typically have three parts: a preamble, the main body, and an enactment clause.
Preamble: This section states the reasons for the necessity and the goals of your bill. Why are you writing this bill and why does it need to be passed should be answered here. The preamble should begin with “Whereas…”
Main Body: Each proposed idea of your bill should be divided into sections. Extra details of a particular section can be divided into subsections.
Enactment Clause: Every bill ends with a final section that explains when the bill should take effect, if passed. This is usually called the enactment clause. Sometimes a future date is given or say, 90 days from passage of the bill, are often used.