WELCOME TO PVAMU VIRTUAL TUTORING College of Nursing Phone: Please read these instructions in this PowerPoint presentation before accessing the site.
Welcome to the brand new Virtual Tutoring/Retention Program for Prairie View A&M University College of Nursing. To access the website, simply copy and paste the following link into the address bar at the top of your web browser: Welcome Students
URL’s Semester Semester Semester Semester Semester
Once you’ve entered your semester’s address/url into your web browser to access your semester’s site you will be asked to enter your login ID and password. Virtual Tutoring
Username: pv\username Example = pv\fmgregory Password: “ password” Virtual Tutoring
Once you’ve successfully logged in to our Microsoft share point web portal, please navigate to our “Documents” section located on your left hand side. Under the “Documents” section heading, you will be able to access all documents related to your semester. If you have any problems please send s to or call Virtual Tutoring
Section 2 Accessing Tutoring Materials
WELCOME TO PVAMU VIRTUAL TUTORING College of Nursing Phone: Please read these instructions in this PowerPoint presentation before accessing the site.
The purpose of this power point is to instruct you on how to launch the lesson plans and teaching materials located within the folders of the Retention Program. If you have any questions please send s to or call Welcome Students
Once you’ve selected the semester files folder located in the top left hand corner of your navigation. You should see a screen like the one provided below:
Select the folder that contains the teaching materials you would like to review. Once you’ve selected that folder you should see a screen that looks similar to the one provide below:
In every folder that contains tutoring materials, will have a file entitled “index.” Once you’ve located this file, select it to activate that lesson plan. The “index” file, that activates a program should look like the one provided below.
If you have any problems please send s to or call Virtual Tutoring