Study Skills Use the study timetable at the end of this power point to get ready for Christmas test
You can concentrate But, you need practice Set yourself up to give yourself the best chance of succeeding Find a quiet place. Make it your study place and let others, at home, know you are studying there. Put your phone away. No television. No internet. No distractions (Give yourself a chance) If you like music in the background, OK, but keep it low and turn it off if it is distracting you. If you have never had a study routine before, stick with this. It will work. You need to get to know ‘You, the Studying You’, What works for you?
Study is a skill You can learn how to do it, just like you learned how to walk, talk, play football.
Focus is crucial Focus: before you begin studying Take a few minutes to decide what you are going to do. Make a definite decision. You must break the work down into manageable pieces Be realistic about how much you can get done and do it well Gather what you will need, and make up your mind what it is you want to achieve Stick with it.
Being Active is Key The key to success is being active. The more active you are the better. Alternate reading with more active learning exercises Make notes for yourself or Rephrase the fact as a question or Ask yourself questions and answer them out loud or Write the answer out on a piece of paper or Make a mind map or a drawing or Shut your eyes and visualize it or Study with a friend and ask each other questions or Ask someone to check you know it after the first go and again after the second go
Variety Vary your approach: If something is not working, don’t give up. Try something else. Don’t get bored. Mix it up. Make it a challenge. Real learning is never boring. Take regular, scheduled breaks. Get up. Move around. Stretch. Do something different from what you've been doing (e.g., walk around if you've been sitting), and in a different area
Be Positive: Be Organized Rewards: Give yourself a reward when you've completed a task When your attention wanders and you find you’re gazing blankly at the page or getting nowhere, say to yourself ‘Be here now.’
ASPIRE Approach: Organized and positive Select what you are going to do and study it. Survey headings in book and notes Put aside the notes and check yourself or get someone to check you. You won’t remember it all, first time. Go again. Inquire. If there is something you can’t remember, maybe you don’t understand it or can’t see why it’s important. Ask a friend, parent or teacher. Talk about it. Reflect. Think about what you are doing. If you were explaining it to someone, what would you say. Are you missing anything? Revisit the same material the next day before you move onto the next thing. This is crucial Explore different methods. Evaluate your progress. Examine yourself
Christmas Exam Study Schedule Mon Exploration Why did the explorations happen? Slides Tues Review: Why did the explorations happen? Study New ships and aids to navigation slide3 Wed Review ships and aids to navigation Study Treaty of Tordesillas & the Portuguese Slides Thurs Review Treaty of Tordesillas & the Portuguese Study Columbus Voyage Slides Fri Review Columbus Voyage Study Life of the Sailor & Magellan’s voyage Slides 13 & 14 Saturday Review Life of the Sailor & Magellan’s voyage Study the Conquistadore & consequences for the native people Sunday Review the Conquistadore & consequences for the native people Study results in Europe And Columbus