Ana Belén Expósito González
INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESPROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION CREDITS Teacher’s Guide Do you know where in the world are The Canary islands, who The Guanches were, Customs, Culture and Festivals celebrated in Canary Islands, places to go? What do the Canary Islands offer to the tourist? Imagine someone ask you about the islands. What kind of information would you compile to inform other people who may visit them? At the end of this task you and your mates will be able to prepare a presentation and tell other students of the school about the islands.
TASK INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION CREDITS Teacher’s Guide First part: Each group will read some information about several aspects of all islands and then work on one of the Canary Islands. The topics on which you will have to research of each island are: General information about the island, symbol, capital…. Places to go, Culture, Typical food, Sports, How to move around, Customs and traditions, Festivals. Second part: Each group will prepare a presentation with the information, photos, etc. which you got in the first part. This presentation will be shown other students. Third part : Leaflet Imagine you work in a travel agency and you need to have a leaflet in order to give it to your guess. Design one with the necessary information.
PROCESS INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION CREDITS Teacher’s Guide You will work in groups of 3 or 4. One of the members will be the coordinator. He/she will be the person who is in charge of coordinating all the tasks and make sure all members work so that you may do a good job. Each group will have an island assigned on which you will have to work on. Once you've finished compiling the information about the different aspects mentioned in the task, you must prepare your presentation, avoiding "copy and past", try to use your own words as far as possible. Next step is to design the leaflet.
RESOURCES INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION CREDITS Teacher’s Guide You may use the following resources: General information about The Canary Islands : Online dictionary: wordreferencewordreference Information about each island: Tenerife El Hierro La Gomera La Palma Gran Canaria Lanzarote and La Graciosa Fuerteventura and Lobos
EVALUATION INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION CREDITS Teacher’s Guide Evaluation of the task Poor (1)Not bad (2)Good (3)Excellent (4)Mark Content You didn't get all the information. It's not complete and badly organized. A lot of copy and paste. Information is complete, but not very well organized. Little copy and paste. Information is complete and organized. Little copy and paste. Information is complete. Well organized. No copy and paste. Vocabulary Poor use of vocabulary.Avarage vocabulary.Good vocabulary. Good use of vocabulary and expressions Grammar A lot of grammar mistakes. Some grammar mistakes. Few Grammar mistakes. Good use of grammar. No important mistakes. Excelent use of grammatical structures. Pronunciation and fluency Poor pronunciation and very difficult to understand. Some mistakes but the message is understood. Few mistakes. Every is understood, very few mistakes. Group work Most work is done individually. They don't know about other members' work. They have some knowledge about other member's work. They have plenty of knowledge about other members' work. They have worked together like a group. Everybody knows about other
EVALUATION INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION CREDITS Teacher’s Guide ItemsPoor (1)Not bad (2)Good (3) Complete all work on time Work cooperatively Wrote clear, coherent,and detailed information Presented to the class Organized information Evaluation of the process
EVALUATION INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION CREDITS Teacher’s Guide Questions :Answer: What do you think about the task? Is it interesting for you? Is it easy to find the information? Do you think you have learnt? What did you learn form completing this WebQuest? Self Evaluation Please answer the following questions:
CONCLUSION INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION CREDITS Teacher’s Guide This is the end of your work and you'll probably come to the conclusion that it has been interesting and useful. You have worked on the following aspects: You've analysed different aspects related to the islands. You've learned a lot of vocabulary related to Canary Islands. You have done something very important: group and cooperative work. You've used new technologies. Congratulations!!!!!!
CREDITS INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION CREDITS Teacher’s Guide This WebQuest was created by Ana Belén Expósito González for the Third Cycle of Primary Education, levels 5 and 6. The information for creating this webquest was mainly founded on: April 2012
TEACHER’S GUIDE INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION CREDITS Teacher’s Guide Cycle and Level Third cycle of Primary, fifth and sixth levels. Subjects Science and English Objectives - Speaking and interacting orally, using English as a communication tool in the classroom. - Writing words and simple sentences in English. - Appreciating the wonders of the place where we live. - Identifying basic facts about Canary Islands. - Working in a cooperative and group way. Contents -Vocabulary related to the Canary Islands. -Facts and History about the Canary Islands. -People who lived in Canary Islands -Typical food, costumes, festivities.