S TEP 1: READ THE QUESTION CAREFULLY ! After reading the story, “Harrison Bergeron,” you are thrilled to go see the new movie adaptation, which you’ve heard follows the story almost exactly. You really want to bring some of your upperclassmen friends with you, but they haven’t read the story and don’t seem interested. You’ve decided you’re going to convince your friends to come by telling them about just the one most interesting/compelling aspect of the story. Focusing on just one of the literary terms you’ve labeled on the plot diagram, tell your friends why they should come see the movie with you.
D ON ’ T GET DISTRACTED BY THE “ STORY ” – IDENTIFY YOUR GOAL ! After reading the story, “Harrison Bergeron,” you are thrilled to go see the new movie adaptation, which you’ve heard follows the story almost exactly. You really want to bring some of your upperclassmen friends with you, but they haven’t read the story and don’t seem interested. You’ve decided you’re going to convince your friends to come by telling them about just the one most interesting/compelling aspect of the story. Focusing on just one of the literary terms you’ve labeled on the plot diagram, tell your friends why they should come see the movie with you.
C HOOSE THE BEST ELEMENT FROM YOUR PLOT DIAGRAM : Exposition Rising Action Climax Falling Action Resolution Conflict (type and between which specific forces) Theme
Don’t just summarize the plot element – explain why it was great. T ELL Y OUR F RIENDS WHY THEY SHOULD SEE THE MOVIE
U SE THE QUESTION TO ANSWER THE QUESTION : Example thesis: You should come with me to see this movie because_________. Paragraph # 1: Claim: The (element of plot diagram) is ____________. Paragraph #2: Transition+ Claim or Set up #2.
N OW THAT YOU ’ VE CHOSEN YOUR D IRECTION : This question doesn’t specifically ask you to use textual evidence for support, but you ALWAYS should. Pick out information that shows the interesting aspect of the story.
C LAIM : Answer the question using a complete sentence. Avoid using “Yes” or “No” at the beginning of the sentence. Avoid using “I think” or “I believe”. Avoid using pronouns as replacements for nouns from the question. Be specific in your answer without giving away too much.
C HECK FOR UNDERSTANDING : WHICH CLAIM IS BEST ? The conflict is cool. The climax is the most thrilling part of the story. The action was intense.
S ET -U P : Made up of two sentences Sentence 1 - introducing the text and how you’re going to relate it to your claim Sentence 2 – the first part of it introduces the specific quote you’ll be using Example: The highest point of the action of the story takes place when Harrison is shot down by Diana Moon Glampers. On page 40, the author writes:
C HECK FOR U NDERSTANDING : Edit the following set-up so that it better introduces the quotation: Equality was crazy in China, like the story says, too. He writes, “Mao deliberately set out to create a cult for himself and to purge the Chinese Communist Party of anyone who did not fully support Mao.”
Q UOTATION /E VIDENCE : Direct textual evidence = quotations! The evidence comes directly after the set up sentence. Choose evidence that will effectively support your claim.
C HECK FOR U NDERSTANDING : Which piece of evidence best supports this claim: The climax is the most thrilling part of the story. 1. Harrison and the ballerina started dancing around and then Diana Moon Glampers shot them. 2. “It was then that Diana Moon Glampers, the Handicapper General, came into the studio with a double- barreled ten-gauge shotgun. She fired twice, and the Emperor and Empress were dead before they hit the floor.” 3. “All this equality was due to the 211 th, 212 th, and 213 th Amendments to the Constitution, and to the unceasing vigilance of agents of the United States Handicapper General.”
T IE - IN : Used to explain why you chose this quotation and how the quotation relates to your claim. Use at least two sentences to do so. When writing the tie-in, first try to explain why the quotation is useful in your own words. If you can’t, you may have a weak quotation.
C HECK FOR UNDERSTANDING : Does this set-up fully explain the importance of the quotation? “It was then that Diana Moon Glampers, the Handicapper General, came into the studio with a double-barreled ten-gauge shotgun. She fired twice, and the Emperor and Empress were dead before they hit the floor.” The Handicapper General shoots Harrison and his lover at the moment when it seems that he has taken over the government. Therefore, the climax’s suspense keeps the reader on the edge of his/her seat.
P UTTING IT ALL TOGETHER : The climax is the most thrilling part of “Harrison Bergeron.” The highest point of the action of the story takes place when Harrison is shot down by Diana Moon Glampers. On page 40, the author writes: “It was then that Diana Moon Glampers, the Handicapper General, came into the studio with a double-barreled ten-gauge shotgun. She fired twice, and the Emperor and Empress were dead before they hit the floor.” The Handicapper General shoots Harrison and his lover at the moment when it seems that he has taken over the government. Therefore, the climax’s suspense keeps the reader on the edge of his/her seat.
C SQT PRACTICE : Use your Cheat Sheet notes for guidance. This is only one paragraph long, so choose the most relevant quotation and provide a thorough analysis!