X-Men Angles
Charles Xavier has asked Wolverine to run an "Angles" class at the "School for Gifted Children". The trouble is that Wolverine's angle knowledge is a bit rusty. Can you help Wolverine with the following questions he's set and explain the reasons behind the answers?
Question 1:Question 2: 116 o a 192 o b Explain the angle facts you've used to get your answers!
Question 3:Question 4: 51 o c 75 o 88 o d 75 o 93 o Explain the angle facts you've used to get your answers!
Question 5: Question 6: 37 o e 62 o 61 o f Explain the angle facts you've used to get your answers!
Question 7: Question 8: 117 o g 53 o h Explain the angle facts you've used to get your answers!
Question 9: Question 10: 74 o j 63 o 134 o k l Explain the angle facts you've used to get your answers!
If you're in Wolverine's Angles class, I'd do your homework!