Reading Response Directions: Open Microsoft word and type your header: Title, Author, Page # where your bookmark is Choose which response option you want and type that title on your page (React, Quote, Question, etc.) Type up your response, remember it must be words, NOT COUNTING THE HEADING. Log onto Go to the main page Open the reading response with this Friday’s date. Copy and paste your response. Click the Post button. Pat yourself on the back you’re all done! *Red choices are for when your book is FINISHED *Green choices are for books with illustrations like graphic novels.
React Why do you love/hate this book? Why should someone else read it? What would make it better?
Question What confuses you? Ask the author 3 questions Ask the main character 3 questions.
Predict What will happen next? What makes you think so? What "should" happen next? Write a new ending (only if you’ve finished the book)
Quote or point out: Quote an interesting or important part of the book. Why is this important? Why is it cool? What’s the point?
Compare and contrast: Name another book you’ve read that is reminds you of this book. How is it the same? How is it different?
React What part of the story makes you happy? Why? What part makes you sad? Why? What part was really exciting? Why?
Connect Tell how this book reminds you of your life. Tell how you are similar to one of the characters in the book. Tell how this book reminds you of something else you’ve read, heard, or seen.
Setting Where does the story take place and why is it important? If it was set in a different place how would the story be different? If you could change the setting where would you have this story take place?
Visualizing What part of the book was really easy to picture? Tell any pictures the author has left in your mind.
Conflict What is the problem in this book? Are there other problems besides the main problem? How is the problem solved? (only if you’ve finished the book) What type of conflict is it (man vs. man, man vs. nature, man vs. self)
Point of View Who is telling the story? Why is this a good person to be telling the story? If you could change the narrator, who would you have tell the story? What point of view is used (first person, third person limited, third person omniscient)? How do you know?
Illustrations (only an option if your book has pictures) Illustrations: Who is the Illustrator? Do you like the pictures? Why or why not? If the illustrations were not there, would there need to be more words? Why or why not? How did the illustrations add to the text?
NEW!!! These last 2 choices are new, for non-fiction books only please! If you’re reading a novel these choices are not for you. Non-Fiction includes: Biographies, informational books, Need To Know books, Articles
Choice Why did you chose this book to read? Is it what you’ve expected? Why or why not?
Learned Name 3 things you’ve learned from reading this book Name one thing that is in this book that everyone should know