Workforce planning : making a contribution Jane McCombe Workforce Development Planning Manager Joy Simpson Workforce Development Planning Manager HEEM Workforce Team (Nottinghamshire) May 2 nd 2014
“ If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always had.” Mark Twain
Why workforce plan? Current and future direction for service that can impact on workforce Education and training needs Whole system approach Inform current and future East Midlands education and training commissions to meet patient and service need Supply and demand - recruitment / retention Efficiency and cost savings Future focused- opportunities
LHC Workforce Development Plan Process 2. Engagement/ gather information Sign off 3. 1 st draft Workforce Plan 4. Confirm and challenge / sense checking events 5. 2 nd draft Workforce Plan 6. Final draft/ ratification Sign off CEO & LETC Workforce Board 7. Submission to HEEM 21 st July Reflect on last year 8. HEEM Education and Training Commissioning Events and Agreement
Key: EMAS – East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust HEE – Health Education England HEEM – Health Education East Midlands LETC – Local Education & Training Council Notts LMC – Nottinghamshire Local Medical Committee NCC – Nottinghamshire County Council NCCP – Nottingham CityCare Partnership NCiC – Nottingham City Council NHCT – Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust NUH – Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust SFHFT – Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust The Nottinghamshire Workforce Team covers the areas of workforce planning, widening participation and workforce development. HEE HEEM East Midlands Leicestershire LETC Derbyshire LETC Lincolnshire LETC Notts LETC Northants LETC HEEM Governing Body Partner Organisation and Strategic Meetings / Groups Integration Education Commissioning and Workforce Design Wider Workforce Development Group Nottinghamshire LETC Workforce Board HEEM Workforce Team (Nottinghamshire) Dementia Workforce Development Group End of Life Care Group NAF Committee Group People and Communities LHC Apprentice Group Nurse Education Liaison Group NUH NCCP SFHFT NHCT EMAS NCiC NCC Independent Sector Notts LMC Nottinghamshire LETC Overview Assistant Practitioner Group Frail Elderly Practice Placement Strategy Group Skills for Health Skills for Care
How do you get involved? How can you contribute?
LHC Workforce Lead Contacts Derbyshire LLR (Richard Ansell Lincolnshire Northamptonshire Nottinghamshire