Welcome Students! Today we are going to take a fun and exciting journey into the wonderful world of grammar! We are going to learn about adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions and more!!
With a partner, you will: First- visit the assigned web sites for your grammar part. Second- After you’ve visited your assigned web sites you and your partner will take an online quiz. Third- You will then create a list of the most important aspects of your grammar part in a 1 page powerpoint slide to present to the class! Fourth- Present!
1)Read the directions. 2)I will match you up with a partner or small group. 3)Each member of the group will visit ALL the sites listed for their assigned part of grammar. 4)Each member of the group will take notes about their assigned part of grammar. Remember to keep track of the URLs for the sites you visit. These notes will be turned into your teacher at the end of the activity. 5)Each member of the group will take the online quiz. Print out the results of the quiz you completed, put your name, date and period on it. Turn it in to your teacher. 6)As a group, discuss what you learned about your part of grammar. One person should take notes for the group. You will be teaching your classmates about the part of grammar you researched. 7)You may create a PowerPoint slide or two. You should include the definition AND the important points your group agreed upon. You MUST give AT LEAST 3 examples of proper usage. 8)Give your teacher your NOTES paper (see step 5). You will present your findings to your classmates and answer any questions they may have. 9)Have FUN!!!!!
Adjectives Song v.wav Read about Adjectives Adjective Rules:
Test your knowledge with the online quiz below! Notes: Notes page should be completely filled in, neat with few to no spelling errors. Online Quiz: Participation is key! Name, date, period on page. Explanation of Grammar Part: Clear definition, 3 or more examples, excellent presentation, clear, concise & creative.
Congratulations!! You have completed the exciting ride through the wonderful world of grammar!! You have taught your classmates about your grammar part and you have learned about many other grammar parts from your classmates! Be sure to references the websites you’ve learned about today in the future when you have grammar questions. Also, be on the look out for grammar in the future when you’re reading and try use your grammar rules in your writing!!