Do Now 10/25/11 Take out your HW from last night. –Text p. 80, #14-38 evens, evens, 55 & 56 Copy HW in your planner. –Text p. 80, #15-37 odds, odds –Quiz sections 2-6 & 2-7 Friday In your journal, compare and contrast terminating and repeating decimals. Then provide 2 fractions that convert to each example.
Homework Text p. 80, #14-38 evens, evens, 55 & 56 14) ) ) ) ) ) ) 9/20 28) -1/4 30) 9/5 or 32) 509/100 or 34) ) 66/100, 33/50 38) 0.32, 16/50 44) no 46) yes 48) no 50) yes 55) D 56) 0.35
Objective SWBAT practice writing fractions as decimals and writing decimals as fractions.
Terminating decimal a decimal that comes to an end Section 2-6, “Equivalent Fractions and Decimals”
Repeating decimal a decimal that repeats with the same pattern forever 0.333… = … = … = You can also write a repeating decimal by placing a BAR over the repeating part.
F D raction ecimal To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator.
Writing Fractions as Decimals Rewrite the fraction as a decimal. This means 7 divided by 8. A fraction is the quotient of two integers Remember Finished F D
D F raction ecimal To convert a decimal to a fraction, use the place value of the last digit to the right of the decimal point as the denominator of the fraction. Then simplify.
Writing Decimals as Fractions “thirty-sixten-thousandths” D F is in the “ten-thousandths” place = Simplify
Clock Partners With your 2:00 partner, complete Punchline worksheet #62.
Punchline worksheet 62 “Why Did the Little Boy Wear A Sheet To Go Trick-Or-Treating?” HE WAS DRESSED UP AS A MATTRESS
Homework –Text p. 80, #15-37 odds, odds