Final Jeopardy QuestionCausesPeople 500EffectsDenomin-ationsDocumentsVocab
Name the two religious reformers who suggested reforms similar to Luther in the 1400s: Back Wycliffe and Hus
These two intellectuals were part of the Northern Renaissance and Christian humanism: Back Erasmus and Thomas More
Identify three criticism of Luther on the Practices of the Roman Catholic Church: Back Corruption of priests; overselling of Indulgences; too much money in church; Popes corrupt…
Most of the religious reformers had this type Of education: Back They were Renaissance intellectuals
Important technology of the late 1400s; could the Reformation have been possible without it? Back Printing Press
Back Reformer…agreed with Luther; iconoclast; Zurich; Eucharist totally symbolic Huldrych Zwingli
Reverted to Catholicism after her father and Brother forced Protestantism on her country Back Mary Tudor/Bloody Mary
Back Wrote “Spiritual Exercises”…spread the Catholic word Ignatius Loyola
Back Wrote Institutes of Christian Religion; reformer, yet intolerant of others’ ideas; appealed to middle class John Calvin
“As soon as a coin in the coffer rings, the soul Into heaven springs”…author of this statement: Back Johan Tetzel
Defensor Pacis Back Henry Tudor/VIII—Defender of the Faith
Back Augsburg Confession; Letter to Christian Nobility Martin Luther
Two docs—made Henry head of the Anglican Church; legitimized offspring of Anne Boleyn Back Act of Supremacy Act of Succession
Back The peasants of Germany made a list of demands/requests… Twelve Articles
Wittenburg; 1517; church… Back 95 Theses
Advocated separation of church and state, adult baptism, and strict reading of Bible Back Anabaptists, Mennonites
Vulgate Bible; 7 Sacraments; celibate priests Back Roman Catholic Church
Consistory; deacons; elect Back Calvinism
They allowed any who heard the word Of God to speak as a priest… Back Quakers
Consubstantiation…2 denominations Back Lutherans; Calvinists; Zwinglians
Schmalkaldic League Back Catholic German alliance with Charles V
Meeting at which Charles V questioned Luther; Luther excommunicated… Back Diet of Worms/Edict of Worms
New Catholic religious orders (2) emphasizing Spirituality and education: Back Jesuits; Ursulines; Carmelites
Define simony; pluralism; nepotism: Back Purchasing church offices; holding multiple…; giving offices to friends, family
Meetings held by Catholics to address Challenges to its beliefs and practices Back Council of Trent starting in 1545…
Identify 3 social effects of the Reformation: Back Improved family values; priests/ministers marry; women spiritually equal; peasants rebel…
Name the names of Calvinists in England, Scotland, France: Back Puritans; Presbyterians; Huguenots
Political divisions in the Holy Roman Empire led to this agreement: Back Peace of Augsburg
Back Targeted readers of protestant books… Index of Prohibited Books
What economic group found great appeal in Protestant doctrines? Back Middle class/Protestant work ethic
Who were three of the Renaissance Popes whose corruption led to the Reformation? Back Julius II; Alexander VI; Clement VII; Leo X