Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing Fractions Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing
Adding and Subtracting Fractions When adding or subtracting fractions with like denominators, you will keep the denominator and add the numerators together. When adding or subtracting fractions with unlike denominators, you will need to turn them into common denominators first and then add the numerators.
Adding and Subtracting Like Denominators Always remember to reduce your answers to the lowest terms.
Now you try adding and subtracting like denominators. Figure out the problem first and then use the mouse key to view the answer.
Adding and subtracting unlike denominators Some things to remember: The denominators must always be the same before you can add or subtract the numbers together. Determine what the common denominator should be and turn each fraction into a fraction with the common denominator. Then add or subtract. Common denominators are always needed before you can add or subtract fractions.
Converting to like denominators A quick review of how to put fractions into common denominators First determine what the common denominator is going to be. Convert the fractions to the common denominator by multiplying the numerator and denominator by the factor needed to make the common denominator equal. Follow basic rules to complete the problem.
Adding and subtracting unlike denominators Remember to always reduce to the lowest terms.
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Multiplication When you are multiplying or dividing fractions, there is no need to have the same denominators. You can cross-cancel like numbers You can multiply straight across and reduce your answer to lowest terms
Examples: You just multiply the numerators together and then the denominators together. The answer is in lowest terms already so I don’t have to reduce. For this problem, I was able to reduce the numbers (working cross-wise) to help reduce the fractions before multiplying. I have also shown that you can just multiply straight across and still get the same answer.
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Division When dividing fractions such as: you will first need to change it to a multiplication problem by rewriting the first fraction, change the division sign to multiplication and “flip” the fraction that follows the division sign.
Changing from division to multiplication Write down the first fraction as it appears Change the division sign to a multiplication sign “Flip” or take the inverse of the fraction that follows the division sign. Multiply as usual.
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