A fraction represents the number of equal parts of a whole numerator denominator Numerator = # of equal parts shaded or taken Denominator = # of equal parts that make up a whole
Fractions Numerator 3 4 Denominator
Fractions How many pieces altogether?
Fractions 10 How many pieces altogether?
Fractions How many pieces have I got? 10 How many pieces altogether?
Fractions How many pieces have I got? 10 How many pieces altogether?
Fractions How many pieces have I got? 10 How many pieces altogether?
Fractions How many pieces have I got? 10 How many pieces altogether?
Fractions How many pieces have I got? 10 How many pieces altogether?
Fractions How many pieces have I got? 10 How many pieces altogether?
Fractions How many pieces have I got? 10 How many pieces altogether?
Fractions How many pieces have I got? 10 How many pieces altogether?
Fractions How many pieces have I got? 7 10 How many pieces altogether?
Types of Fractional Numbers A proper fraction is a fraction whose value is less than 1 (numerator < denominator)
Fractions Colour in the right fraction for each shape 4 7 2 7 6 7
Fractions 4 12 7 14 3 8
Fractions Identify right fraction for each shape
An improper fraction is a fraction whose value is greater than or equal to 1 (numerator > denominator)
4 3
What is the improper fraction? 15 = 4
What is the improper fraction? 19 = 4
What is the improper fraction? 11 = 2
Write the improper fraction according to the picture shown
Draw the improper fraction
A mixed number has a part that is a whole number and a part that is a fraction.
What is the mixed number? 3 = 3 4
What is the mixed number? 1 = 5 2
What is the mixed number? 3 = 4 4
Draw the mixed fraction