These penguins are skilled in the art of “NETFU”. NETFU is like Kung Fu, only for Math.
If the numerator can go evenly into the denominator, divide BOTH the numerator and denominator by the numerator. The biggest possible number to use to divide is the numerator for regular fractions. N
Next, check if both number are even. If they are, you can divide them by 2 and sometimes 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12. Remember to THINK BIG! N E
Next, think of the threes. If both the numerator and the denominator have digits that add up to 3, 6, or 9, divide by 3, 6, or 9. THINK BIG! N E T 3
Next look at the ONES place. If you see a 5 or a zero in BOTH numbers, then divide by 5 or 10. THINK BIG! N E T F 5
Lastly, think of UNUSUAL FACTORS. 7? 11? THINK BIG! N E T F U
Let’s try a little NETFU, shall we?
When making equivalent fractions, always start with the BIGGEST number you can. That means less work for you! 8 Can the numerator go into 56 the denominator? If yes, divide the numerator AND the denominator by the numerator. Then click the black box above to check your answer. If no, click the penguin to go to the next step. N
The answer is: 1/7. You are a NETFU Master! Click HERE to go to the next problem.HERE
Incorrect. Click HERE to go back.HERE
When making equivalent fractions, always start with the BIGGEST number you can. That means less work for you! 12 Can the numerator go into 30 the denominator? If yes, divide the numerator AND the denominator by the numerator. Then click the black box above to check your answer. If no, click the penguin to go to the next step. N
Incorrect. Click HERE to go back.HERE
When making equivalent fractions, always start with the BIGGEST number you can. That means less work for you! 12 Are the numerator and the 30 denominator even? If yes, divide the numerator AND the denominator by 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12.. Then click the black box above to check your answer. If no, click the penguin to go to the next step. E
The answer is: 2/5 You are a NETFU Master! Click HERE to go to the next problem.
When making equivalent fractions, always start with the BIGGEST number you can. That means less work for you! 27 Can the numerator go into 36 the denominator? If yes, divide the numerator AND the denominator by the numerator. Then click the black box above to check your answer. If no, click the penguin to go to the next step. N
Incorrect. Click HERE to go back.HERE
When making equivalent fractions, always start with the BIGGEST number you can. That means less work for you! 27 Are the numerator and the 36 denominator even? If yes, divide the numerator AND the denominator by 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12. Then click the black box above to check your answer. If no, click the penguin to go to the next step. E
Incorrect. Click HERE to go back. HERE
When making equivalent fractions, always start with the BIGGEST number you can. That means less work for you! 27 Do the digits in the numerator and 36 denominator add up to 3, 6, or 9? If yes, divide the numerator AND the denominator by 3, 6, or 9. Then click the black box above to check your answer. If no, click the penguin to go to the next step. T
The answer is: 3/4 You are a NETFU Master! Click HERE to go to the next problem.
When making equivalent fractions, always start with the BIGGEST number you can. That means less work for you! 25 Can the numerator go into 40 the denominator? If yes, divide the numerator AND the denominator by the numerator. Then click the black box above to check your answer. If no, click the penguin to go to the next step. N
Incorrect. Click HERE to go back.HERE
When making equivalent fractions, always start with the BIGGEST number you can. That means less work for you! 25 Are the numerator and the 40 denominator even? If yes, divide the numerator AND the denominator by 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12. Then click the black box above to check your answer. If no, click the penguin to go to the next step. E
Incorrect. Click HERE to go back.HERE
When making equivalent fractions, always start with the BIGGEST number you can. That means less work for you! 25 Do the digits in the numerator and 40 denominator add up to 3, 6, or 9? If yes, divide the numerator AND the denominator by 3, 6, or 9. Then click the black box above to check your answer. If no, click the penguin to go to the next step. T
Incorrect. Click HERE to go back.HERE
When making equivalent fractions, always start with the BIGGEST number you can. That means less work for you! 25 Do the numerator and denominator 40 have a zero or 5 in the ones place? If yes, divide the numerator AND the denominator by 5 or 10. Then click the black box above to check your answer. If no, click the penguin to go to the next step. F
The answer is: 5/8 You are a NETFU Master! Click HERE to go to the next problem.
When making equivalent fractions, always start with the BIGGEST number you can. That means less work for you! 33 Can the numerator go into 77 the denominator? If yes, divide the numerator AND the denominator by the numerator. Then click the black box above to check your answer. If no, click the penguin to go to the next step. N
Incorrect. Click HERE to go back.HERE
When making equivalent fractions, always start with the BIGGEST number you can. That means less work for you! 33 Are the numerator and the 77 denominator even? If yes, divide the numerator AND the denominator by 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12. Then click the black box above to check your answer. If no, click the penguin to go to the next step. E
When making equivalent fractions, always start with the BIGGEST number you can. That means less work for you! 33 Do the digits in the numerator and 77 denominator add up to 3, 6, or 9? If yes, divide the numerator AND the denominator by 3, 6, or 9. Then click the black box above to check your answer. If no, click the penguin to go to the next step. T
When making equivalent fractions, always start with the BIGGEST number you can. That means less work for you! 33 Do the numerator and denominator 77 have a zero or 5 in the ones place? If yes, divide the numerator AND the denominator by 5 or 10. Then click the black box above to check your answer. If no, click the penguin to go to the next step. F
When making equivalent fractions, always start with the BIGGEST number you can. That means less work for you! 33 Can you divide both the numerator 77 and denominator by 7 or 11? If yes, divide the numerator AND the denominator by 7, 11, or any other “unusual” number you can think of. Then click the black box above to check your answer. U
The answer is: 3/7 You are a Level 1 NETFU Master! Your reward is to play this