The Sharing and Development of ASD Practice in Wales Jo Manikiza ASD National Strategic Coordinator
Chronology 2008 – ASD Strategic Action Plan for Wales 2008 – Hugh Morgan, Implementation Manager WAG Mid 2008 – ASD Core Grant to LAs May 2009 – Regional Support Team
April 2011 ASD National Strategic Coordinator Coordinate ASD LIN Manage ASD e resource Support ASD developments at a local, regional and national level Link with other key groups, networks and stakeholders
Supporting the Implementation of the ASD SAP ASD Regional Support Team May 2009 – March 2011 Funded by WAG Based in WLGA 1 x coordinator 3 x regional support officers
Supporting the Implementation of the ASD SAP Establish who, and link with ASD leads Attend steering / stakeholder groups Support the development of local ASD action plans where not already developed Support the implementation of the ASDSAP at a local level
Issues Raised All authorities at different stages in the process Duplication of work between LAs Duplication of work being addressed at a national level Some issues difficult to resolve locally No sharing of work / practice
Issues Raised Variety of expertise, varying between areas Monitoring progress nationally Wider audiences not aware of work
Supporting the Implementation of the ASD SAP Newsletters and e bulletins Compared all 22 action plans and extracted the main themes Used this information to develop tools for the leads – ‘golden action plan’ Developed ‘checklist’ of actions and completed for each area
Checklist example action completedactionedplannedNotplanned Undertake training for professionals x
Information gained
Issues Raised How can we share practice examples? How do we identify / share specialism? How to we address common themes that appear to be proving difficult to address locally?
Supporting the Implementation of the ASD SAP Development and implementation of Regional Projects Compendium of Practice
Regional Projects 2010 – 2011: 20 Regionally funded collaborative projects Feedback due to be published 2011 – 2012: £300K available for regional projects
Issues Raised How do we communicate with wider professionals? How can we share resources from across Wales? Can we utilise ‘pocketed’ expertise? How do we raise awareness on a wider scale? How can we support adults with AS / HFA?
planning for Maintain and build upon national and regional networks Maintain communication Link with key national ASD stakeholders Link with other relevant networks Support and share information with wider professionals Utilise pocketed expertise
planning for Address issues that are proving difficult at a local level Continue to support ASD leads Raise awareness on a wider scale
ASD National Strategic Coordinator based in WLGA ASD e resource ASD Learning and improvement network
ASD LIN ASD Local Lead Officer Local ASD steering group Representatives from statutory services Service user representatives Parent / carer representatives Voluntary sector representatives
ASD LIN Links WARC Employment Ambassador WAG Voluntary orgs Individuals with ASD / parents / carers LD LIN CAMHS external reference group
e resource Website Hosted by SSia E resource for professionals Directory of local services Local, regional and national strategic updates Knowledge development and information resource Direct on line advice LIN secure access site
e resource
ASD Aware Scheme Launched within 2 weeks
Mobile App. Development of a mobile phone app. for adults with HF ASD underway I phone and android platforms Sequencing, diary and social skills content Developed in conjunction with adults with ASD International interest Aiming for completion in Autumn 2011