Engaging People Joy Watson Wider Role Co-ordinator Julie Rain Savings and Loans Officer
Tayside Wider Role Alliance
Wider Role Strategy – supports activity that can help our tenants that go beyond traditional housing – such as tenancy sustainment and tackling fuel poverty Financial Inclusion and Anti Poverty Strategy – supports activities aimed at increasing income Reducing outgoings Providing access to appropriate financial products and services
Tayside Wider Role Alliance projects Savings and Loans Project Pre-tenancy / Tenancy Sustainment Service Making Money Work DEEAP partnership Financial Awareness Service Toolbox Project Money Advice Service Moving Forward
Tayside Wider Role Alliance Pre-tenancy / tenancy sustainment Open to all in Dundee Successfully running for 4 years Helping turn houses into homes Benefits, Budgeting, Banking, Borrowing Access to furniture Low cost loans Home contents insurance Access to white goods Social tariff
Tayside Wider Role Alliance Worked with Dundee Energy Efficiency Advice Project for a number of years Help and support to householders in Dundee on a range of energy issues High demand for service High number of referrals coming from TWRA projects (we are “switched on”) Funds for tenants shrinking How can we develop relationship and maintain best practice?
Tayside Wider Role Alliance By accessing additional resources – ‘buying in’ the services of the local energy efficiency advice service to work with our Dundee tenants Specifically targeting our new and vulnerable tenants
Tayside Wider Role Alliance What are they doing for us? - Heating demo’s – understanding the controls, use in the most energy efficient way - Energy savings tips - Assess and register for social tariff - Fuel bill enquiries/renegotiate fuel debts - Lead FI project for White Goods Loans in partnership with local credit union - Loans had mixed results – led to campaigning for other ways to help with cost of energy efficient electrical appliances
Results so far 413 tenants engaged since April 2010 221 registered for social tariff £29,346 fuel debt renegotiated 12 properties insulated 86 free domestic appliances supplied by Scottish Hydro Electric Tayside Wider Role Alliance
What this means for us Contributing to the work being carried out to - end fuel poverty - reduce carbon emissions What it means for the tenant Lower fuel consumption = lower fuel bills = more money in their pocket!
Tayside Wider Role Alliance Getting the balance right Good design/affordability/meeting the needs and wants of tenants Can we achieve this?