Children’s Centres Countywide Event – Northamptonshire Analysis showcase Andrew Maddison and Felicity Roberts Business Intelligence and Performance Improvement 22 nd May 2013 Business Intelligence & Performance Improvement
What is Northamptonshire Analysis? Northamptonshire Analysis is a website which brings together a wide range of information and intelligence on the county in one easily accessible place It is anticipated that Northamptonshire Analysis will become a tool for use by NCC, partners and wider stakeholders across the County to support: –Development of strategic assessments such as the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, Partnership Strategic Assessment and Economic Assessment –Strategic planning and other needs based requirements such as commissioned services –Operational planning and service delivery Business Intelligence & Performance Improvement
Key functionality Northamptonshire Analysis has a range of functionality to support this, including the ability to create: –Simple data tables which can be exported to Excel or links ed to colleagues –Dynamic reports, which are interactive and combine maps, tables and graphs –Profiles, which pull together a range of information, either by geographical area or theme, and present in a report combining text, tables, maps and charts –Advanced datasets and profiles which enable more tailored views to be created Business Intelligence & Performance Improvement
Showcase of key functionality Site address: Business Intelligence & Performance Improvement
How can we support you? We can support you with strategic planning and service delivery by developing profiles and dynamic reports which focus on: –Children’s Centres reach areas –Early Help Forum areas Following today we are keen to work with you so we can: –Understand how you want to use profiles and reports so we can tailor them accordingly –Identify the key datasets and information from across the 10 themes to pull into the profiles and reports –Develop a suite of profiles and dynamic reports –Provide training on the functionality of the site Business Intelligence & Performance Improvement
Wider next steps Phase 1: –Internal showcases to NCC Directors and DivMT forums –Training to identified teams within NCC –Work with service areas to identify products and resources which can be created to support service planning, commissioning and delivery –Partnership launch event – 12 th June 2013 at the University of Northampton –Training within partner organisations Phase 2: –Embedding Northamptonshire Analysis as a strategic planning tool which is used within all partner organisations –Promoting use within the wider community, e.g.: Small and Medium Enterprises Third sector / voluntary groups Business Intelligence & Performance Improvement
Any questions? Business Intelligence & Performance Improvement