Overview of the research Understanding the role of Gaelic Key benefits to business of using Gaelic Ways in which Gaelic is used Social value Economic value Opportunities – next steps? Webinar content
Aim “Consider, evaluate and robustly evidence the current and potential use of Gaelic as an asset to the economy and society of the Highlands and Islands and Scotland as a whole”. Acknowledged as being a crucial first step in researching and evaluating this area of Gaelic development. Overview of the research
Published materials Full Report Executive Summary Notes for Businesses and Enterprises Key Fact Summary Case Studies Sector Overviews Available to download at Overview of the research
Approach Evidence collected via a range of interviews, focus groups and surveys with businesses, enterprises & community organisations across Scotland Developed evidence base around Gaelic’s role as an asset and a range of case study examples Study is wide ranging but not comprehensive Key next step - address gaps to enhance breadth and depth of coverage Overview of the research
Substantial feeling of goodwill Increasing acknowledgement of benefits of Gaelic Gaelic Language Plans Positive economic role Understanding the role of Gaelic
60% of enterprises surveyed said Gaelic is used / features as key element of main activities, products, or services Gaelic is critically important for more than half of community organisations surveyed Businesses identifying Gaelic as critically important are most commonly in the creative industries and also those in the heritage and learning sectors Understanding the role of Gaelic
Sectors with above average representation - creative industries, heritage, education/learning and community. 84% of community organisations surveyed stated that Gaelic adds real value to their organisation. For community organisations, commonly represented sectors - creative industries (especially music), Gaelic learning, other education, community development and heritage organisations. Key benefits to business of using Gaelic
Major (50%+): 1. Enhances distinctiveness/uniqueness 2. Enhances perceptions of authenticity/provenance 3. Increases appeal to target markets Major/moderate (70%+): Three aspects above, plus: Enhances overall image and attractiveness of area Increases profile of products/services in specific areas Ability to differentiate products/services from that of others Helps to attract new customers in existing markets Key benefits to business of using Gaelic
Ways in which Gaelic is used
Case Study – Pràban na Linne Gaelic used in promoting the business – on leaflets, “even if everyone doesn’t understand”... …The company believes it possibly helps create a niche market and “gives a flavour” of the type of business Praban na Linne is. Gaelic is used on the website, on letterheads, and Gaelic greetings are used on the end of s.
Case Study – Blas
Case Study – MnE
Case Study – Port Charlotte Hotel “Visitors expect Gaelic here, and they hope to see it. This helps convince people with it, they should try to keep it”.
Key themes emerge about the wider inter-relationships between Gaelic and economic/social development: Importance of positively treating Gaelic as an economic and social asset. It is jobs and economy that can help to drive the development of Gaelic. Importance of normalisation of Gaelic, use by business and also more generally - education and wider society. Growing belief in enterprises and organisations using Gaelic that this itself (business/organisation use of Gaelic) further positively reinforces impacts. Social and Economic Development
Increasing self-confidence Increasing pride in the communities Increases in Gaelic-related job opportunities Attachment of people to their communities Social Value
75% of community organisations, 64% of businesses surveyed said their use of Gaelic strongly/ moderately enhances value of Gaelic in local community. Majority of community organisations surveyed stated that their use of Gaelic increases profile, awareness, appreciation of Gaelic and influences range/breadth of employment opportunities. Majority of businesses surveyed stated that business use of Gaelic increases profile, awareness, and social value of Gaelic as well as increasing community pride. Social Value
Second level of analysis using a matching process to allow further estimates to be developed. Taking the results from both levels of analysis together, the turnover attributed to the impact of Gaelic for these 51 businesses/enterprises is estimated to be around £5.6 million. Economic Value
Assessment of potential economic value to wider economy, estimating value of Gaelic assuming survey results applicable across key sectors. Three key assumptions/caveats: – Focus on creative industries; tourism; food & drink sectors. – Use primary research findings from those able to quantify value of Gaelic and applying these to the wider economy. – Use of 2011 Census data on Gaelic language skills as a proxy measure to estimate and weight potential scale of value. Applying this approach, the potential value of Gaelic as an asset to the Scottish economy could be in the region of between £82 million and £149 million. Economic Value
Tourism: – Gaelic speaking/learning market – More general market, where Gaelic enhances distinctiveness, differentiation and appeal to tourists of specific locations Creative industries: further development of artistic, drama, literature, music, events & festivals - those that communicate/express themselves in Gaelic, and those where Gaelic is an enhancement or feature. Education & learning - regarded by many consultees as critical to future development opportunities around Gaelic as an asset, and general Gaelic development. Opportunities
Key barriers/challenges in realising these opportunities : Availability of job and employment opportunities, especially for young people. General capacity and resources. Existing lack of Gaelic knowledge and expertise. Cultural barriers and issues. Anticipated impacts & benefits of realising opportunities: Profile and awareness benefits to the business. Direct economic impacts on business. Mutual benefits to business and community. Normalisation of Gaelic/support for Gaelic. Opportunities
Next steps? Dissemination National Gaelic Partnership Capacity to develop products and services HIE investment Other partners considering support and collaboration
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