Drug Awareness for Primary Schools Richard Boxer Drug Education Consultant Health & Well-Being Team (CSF) Safeguarding: Drug Education Richard Boxer, Drug.


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Presentation transcript:

Drug Awareness for Primary Schools Richard Boxer Drug Education Consultant Health & Well-Being Team (CSF) Safeguarding: Drug Education Richard Boxer, Drug Education Consultant

Drug Education & Safeguarding How does Drug Education provide learning opportunities for pupils to develop knowledge, skills, and understanding in relation to safeguarding? How does the Ofsted framework enable schools leaders to evaluate safeguarding within the curriculum?

Aims of Drug Education Minimise the number of young people engaging in drug use. Delay the onset of first use. Reduce the harm caused by drugs. Enable those who have concerns about drugs to seek help and know how to do so.

Learning opportunities Through cross-curricular lessons identifying the cultural / historical / sociological impact of substance misuse on wider society. Exploring risk-taking behaviours and attitude development as well as basic drug knowledge. Improving self worth & self esteem, promoting diversionary activities and the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Ability to resist peer pressure and empowering pupils to take responsibility for their own actions.

Learning opportunities (continued) Participate in school decision making process via drug policy input / spending PSHE budget. Peer mentoring development. Choices & decisions about their learning via suggestion boxes, evaluation & feedback. Ensuring resources are up to date & relevant. Input from external trainers / educators such as School Nurse, Connexions PA, Police Community Support Officer, local drug & alcohol services. Identifying sources of help & support and how to access these services (both local & national).

“All schools have a responsibility to identity the pupils who have drug related needs, and in particular those who may need a more detailed assessment of the circumstances surrounding their involvement with drugs and any underlying vulnerabilities that would benefit from skilled intervention. Schools could use the Common Assessment Framework to identify the needs of pupils.” - Drugs: Guidance for Schools (Dept of Education) (draft Edition 2)

Drugs & Ofsted framework How safe do the pupils feel in school?  Resistance to peer pressure / bullying to try drugs.  Input into and understanding of school drug policy – esp. drug related incidents.  Prompt responses to incidents and implementation of appropriate support mechanisms.  Assessing and managing risks.  Involvement of wider school community.  Early intervention and appropriate access to support services.

Evidence for SEF Pupil feedback from questionnaires / suggestion boxes has influenced curriculum content. School Council decisions have influenced content of school drug policy. Peer mentoring has improved confidence and boosted self esteem of younger pupils. Number of exclusions for smoking / drinking / drug taking have fallen. HRBQ data shows improved levels of pupil awareness, and decrease in number of pupils drinking / smoking. Staff have received CPD drug awareness training and feel more confident in delivery of lessons / responding to incidents. Lesson evaluations show progression of pupil’s knowledge, skill & attitude development.

Evidence for SEF (continued)  Display boards and assemblies reinforce health and wellbeing themes. E.g. FRANK resources / Adolescent Drug & Alcohol Service for Herts (ADASH).  Pupil drug & alcohol issues identified early and interventions implemented in partnership with appropriate support agencies. Impact of this work is tracked through individual case studies.  Pupils demonstrate a thorough understanding of the importance of making informed choices on a range of healthy lifestyle issues through participation in healthy living themed weeks, drug awareness days / events and participation in cross-curricular lessons. 100% of pupils report the school helps them to be healthy.

Evidence for SEF (continued)  Healthy lifestyle data is analysed and this has led to the establishment of a range of targeted programmes for vulnerable pupils. Monitoring & evaluation of these demonstrates that a significant majority of pupils have much higher levels of engagement in their learning with a direct impact on achievement at the end of each key stage.  The school is an accredited Healthy School with a completed and approved Annual Review and has engaged with Healthy Schools Enhancement Model.

Richard Boxer Drug Education Consultant & Chair of Herts Drug Education Forum