Presentation Why we are considering Trust Status
Aims of the session To explore and explain why we are considering setting up a charitable trust and becoming a Trust School To explain what a Trust School is and what is different and what remains the same To explain the process To identify and answer any questions
The Governors, SLT and Staff are always looking for ways to raise standards and improve the quality of education we offer to our Students and to ensure Wildern remains one of the country’s leading state schools now and in the future
Why become a Trust School?
Why become a Trust 1.The Trust will take on responsibility for activities which extend beyond the core remit of the school. The school will focus on its core purpose. 2.It will provide a way of separating income earned from external endeavours and avoid a situation of such income being seen as a normal school balance vulnerable to claw back as happened in 2008 and 2009.
3.It will provide a more appropriate structure and offer the flexibility to enable us to make the most of new developments and opportunties 4.As a charity we will have the opportunity to bid for other funds and be involved in taking advantage of opportunities that we are less well placed to do or cannot do now particularly in relation to our wider community.
5.It will formalise and enhance our links with and contribution of our key partners and stakeholders and will ensure that additional roles we undertake are clearly linked to the core aims of the Trust. 6.It embeds a clear moral purpose in its aims, it will best enable Wildern to deliver to its staff, students and other stakeholders, now and in the future
Proposed Aims of the Wildern Trust
1.The first aim of the Trust is to enhance the opportunities and successes enjoyed by all present and future students and staff at the school. Arising from this, the Trust aims to build on, sustain and extend the school’s current strengths in approaches to teaching and learning and use of new technologies.
2.The second aim is to develop further the school’s track record of contributing to school improvement, innovation and transformation. In the wider system as a whole, locally within its immediate family of schools, regionally within its Local Authority area and nationally too. This is related to its role as an accredited National Leader of Education and its status as a Leading school, its system leading work in developing use of new technologies and the national expectation that schools like Wildern support other schools
3.The third aim relates to its wider community role and its contribution to opportunities for its stakeholders in its immediate community particularly in arts and sport. e.g. Arts specialism, sports centre, community Arts programme and New Theatre
What is a Trust School?
A Trust/Foundation School is a local authority maintained school which is supported by a charitable Trust which appoints some governors. The Governors will take on responsibility for all the staff, buildings and assets of the school
Trust school like all maintained schools is required to: Deliver the National Curriculum Follow the school Admissions Code Abide by the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions document Be inspected by Ofsted.
How is it different? A trust school is different because: A charitable trust A long term formal relationship with group of external partners Undertakes projects for the benefit of the whole community. Separates the core role of the school from other wider external work
How is it different? The school will take on two new areas of responsibility including becoming the named employer of all staff and becoming the admissions authority. Both are subject to current national agreements, legal and other regulations. The governing body continues to have day to day control of the school’s land and buildings which the Trust rather than the local authority would hold. Staff: All Staff will be transferred with their existing terms and conditions to being employed by Wildern’s governing body.
Who will our Trust partners be?
Partners The view of the governors is that we should invite partners linked to our aims. The partners being considered include those linked to our school improvement work ranging from IT provider and school improvement providers (Tribal), Higher Education institutions (tbc) and schools we have links with; (primary and secondary), and current partners linked for our community work including the sports centre, and new theatre (Eastleigh Borough) One or two partners will be trustees too.
Consultation Process 1) The school and its partners agree to work together 2) Consult with parents and local stakeholders. 19 th April – 14 th May 3) Publish statutory proposals and second Consultation period -20 th May – 25 th June 4) Governors consider responses and decide whether to acquire the trust Set up charitable Trust 5) Implementation