Future Schooling in Knowsley Home Access: The Connected Learner Transforming Learning and Improving People’s Lives Leanne Hornsby Head of Business Management
Future Schooling in Knowsley Vision Integrated Children’s Services is a key vehicle for sustainable change that will support every young person in Knowsley to make the best of their opportunities in life. Transform education across the borough inc continuing to drive system-wide reform; Provide appropriate, viable, stable and sustainable learning environments that support teachers and learners; Create flexible and sustainable learning environments; Promote, develop and support co-located provision, placing learning centres at the heart of the community; Ensure an inclusive approach to education.
Future Schooling in Knowsley The Connected Citizen (Learner) “Ensuring that every citizen in Knowsley has access at a physical location of their choosing”. the well connected learner and his or her family will access learning through technology. Leading to connected citizens with simpler, immediate, hassle-free access to better quality, localised, customer-centric services. increasing the diversity of service provision and helping to foster a re-invigorated participative and well-engaged local community.
Future Schooling in Knowsley Future Schooling ICT Decision Making Framework
Future Schooling in Knowsley Future Schooling in Knowsley Governance Model
Future Schooling in Knowsley Test Model Environments establishing a number of Test Model Environments across its 3 City Learning Centres and schools promoting partnership, collaboration, development and support for extended and/or co-located provision. Personalised Learning Environment
Future Schooling in Knowsley Progress - Development Introduction Scoping Planning Specification Inc identification of projects & pupil usage Implementation CPD Installation Equipment Furniture Digital Content Stage 1 Test/Delivery Identify usage cross phase Variety of subjects Evaluate Measure Impact Viability Stage 2Stage 3 Phase 1 & 2 (June 07 – September 2009) Phase 3 (June 2009 – September 2010) Re-Innovate/ re-model, identify new models following evaluation and testing Investment RM, Transform, CLCs Monitor/Evaluate Measure impact, Cascade, re-model Time FSK ICT Governance Model Test Modelling Timeline
Future Schooling in Knowsley Computers for Pupils Key Components a robust, representative Project Board inc Schools, partners and cross council colleagues a clear project plan, inc clear aims and objectives aligned to wider strategies appropriate equipment, services and support launch events mandatory training components eSafety, asset management and security, laptop health check, core content, evaluation support
Future Schooling in Knowsley Learning Objectives to support schools in raising attainment at Key Stages 3 and 4 attempt to provide a finer focus of support to families for literacy and numeracy linked to family learning programmes Linked to Plus One Challenge aims to raise the profile of education within the borough by improving average grades through effective preparation and practice; and Support ‘personalised learning’, focussing on access, content, delivery and support identified within Future Schooling and improve attendance, self organisation, learning skills and support. Provide eSafety support, guidance for young people, parents/carers and families
Future Schooling in Knowsley Usage Snapshot s typing letters digital photography checking news educational websites/content, helping young people with homework local services access on-line shopping travel or holidays online banking, keeping personal accounts Usage is linked to optional training through CfP, libraries, City Learning Centres, Adult Education and/or wider family learning services:
Future Schooling in Knowsley Outcomes 660 devices in use in homes across secondary and special schools inc hospitalised young people where applicable Linked to family literacy and numeracy programmes Family involvement in the development and testing of the Personalised Learning Environment Becta DVD case study linked to Media GCSE for year 10 pupils Linked to wider ICT programmes Cohort linked to the TME development to prepare young people and their families for the opening of Knowsley new Learning Centres (BSF)
Future Schooling in Knowsley “Congratulating Knowsley. Giving children access to computers at home has been shown to help their education. They can motivate pupils to learn and help develop key ICT and life skills. But it's not just the pupil who benefits. The whole family, school and wider community can benefit through increased involvement of parents in their child's education and better communication between the school and home.” - Niel McLean, Becta’s Executive Director for Institutional and Workforce Development.