“Every young person achieving to his or her full potential at each stage of his or her development.”
1.Raising standards for all. 2. Closing the performance gap, increasing access and equality. 3. Developing the education workforce. 4. Improving the learning environment. 5. Transforming the governance and management of education.
Every School a Good School Early Years Strategy Literacy and Numeracy Strategy The Revised Curriculum The Entitlement Framework Way Forward on Special Educational Needs Community Relations, Equality and Diversity Review of Irish medium education
Sustainable schools Area Planning
Quality Education Experience Stable Enrolment Trends Strong Financial Position Strong Leadership and Management Accessibility Strong Links with the Community
The Department Provides policy and budgetary contexts, and advice and guidance to planning authorities Will endorse the Area Plans to allow progression towards implementation Boards and CCMS Statutory responsibility for planning Other education sectors are engaged throughout the process
Community Education Initiatives Programme Literacy & Numeracy Continuing Professional Development Project Area Learning Communities Support from Education & Training Inspectorate inspectors
Minister’s vision Many challenges Key leadership role for governors