School Direct: The HEI perspective University of the West of England, Bristol and Cabot Learning Federation/Teaching School Alliance
A model of school direct provision Sally Bassett PGCE Secondary Programme Manager
UWE & CABOT LEARNING FEDERATION TEACHING SCHOOL ALLIANCE: A proposed new model of delivery for ITT for Our entire approach should reflect a shared commitment to co-construct enhanced approaches to ITT through deep partnership. Enhanced role for CLF TSA staff in selection of UWE secondary trainees for , and role for UWE staff in selection of trainees through School Direct (CLF TSA have applied for 6 School Direct training places (2xEnglish, 2xMaths, 1xScience, 1xML). UWE trainees in EBacc subjects placed in schools in the CLF TSA linked to recognised outstanding teachers in those subjects and where those outstanding teachers are also experienced and effective ITT mentors or can work in partnership with such mentors, supported by a UWE ITT tutor. School Direct trainees in EBacc subjects placed in schools in the CLF TSA linked to recognised outstanding teachers in those subjects and where those outstanding teachers are also experienced and effective ITT mentors or can work in partnership with such mentors, supported by a UWE ITT tutor.
Paired and multiple placements to provide rich peer context for learning. Innovative immersion/complementary experience(s) provided for larger cohorts of UWE trainees (c 20 per school on a carousel programme) around priority themes (e.g. literacy, numeracy, EAL, SEN, G&T, assessment, behaviour). All UWE secondary trainees to have some access to enhanced experiences within the TSA drawing on areas of expertise within the Alliance (or TSA plus slightly wider group of schools). More fluid and dynamic interplay between sites of professional learning. Development of new roles for excellent practitioners across CLF and UWE to include professional exchange – CLF staff to teach whole cohorts at UWE and UWE staff to work in school alongside OTs and mentors with cohorts of trainees and CLF students. UWE link staff to support ITE/CPD/R&D and Schools and College Partnership/WP links between UWE and schools. Exploration of role/designation of key CLF TSA staff as UWE Teaching Fellows. The innovations to be action learning orientated with a research dimension to evaluate the development and capture learning for dissemination to others. Trainees own learning journeys to be action learning orientated as they develop as extended reflective professionals.
Development of ‘community of practice’ that models peer to peer learning – exemplified in a UWE/CLF Teaching School Alliance ITT July Conference – an addition/extension to existing CLF July professional development conference – but co-badged and distinct in that it would reach out to all UWE ITT trainees. This could include: forthcoming trainees; finishing trainees; NQTs; Teachers for Tomorrow; UWE UG students interested in teaching; mentors and OTs; regional Best Practice networks; Subject Associations. For forthcoming trainees this provides the early induction into their training programme – with on-line materials that follow up from the event for those who cannot attend or who are recruited over the summer. Development of a shared model that supports both staff development and school improvement within CLF and ITT innovation within the wider UWE partnership. Complementary training to focus on projects that support both individual and school development priorities. Enhanced model of partnership to support not just the development of ITE but also CPD and research and development opportunities.
The implementation of the UWE/CLF/TSA pilot model All SD trainees would follow complete the PGCE alongside the UWE trainees. The UWE PGCE Programme was refreshed to match the model proposed in the agreement and would include the Immersion and Complementary training. To make it viable successful applicants to the UWE route were offered the opportunity to follow a CLF pathway (not SD but with enhanced school based training).
The benefits The closer partnership with the Cabot Learning Federation The enhanced training opportunity for the SD and CLF Pathway trainees The co-development of our in-house Non- cognitive test The development of the Trainee Progress Tracker The development of the Immersion and Complementary Training
The challenges The recruitment to SD was controlled by CLF but with UWE representation. The trainees recruited were expected to attend on GCSE results day and then two weeks of induction. The decision to use a CLF model of paperwork. The role of the SLEs in the training model. How the existing standard partnership with the CLF school and academies would be managed. The pressures of a year long interview on trainees. Communication between UWE and CLF/TSA and the trainees.
The future 19 SD places for 2013 – 2014 including specialisms we do not offer – PE and Computer Science Recruitment to target We also have some primary mathematics ITE route identity and home community UWE’s Ofsted Other SD E o I