CIAT IN AFRICA An Overview Presentation made to the Harmonized Seed Security Project Kopanong; 20 th May, 2010 Dr Rowland Chirwa Ms Rachel Muthoni
CIAT’s Comparative Advantage Germplasm (beans) Soils and NRM (TSBF) Linking research to development -Participatory Research, Partnerships, Agro-enterprise & socio-economic assessments. Wider impact approach Approaches to respond to acute stresses
Southern Africa Bean Research Network (SABRN) Member Countries (11) 1. Angola 2. South DRC 3. Lesotho 4. Malawi 5. Mauritius 6. Mozambique 7. South Africa 8. Swaziland 9. South Tanzania 10. Zambia 11. Zimbabwe
Improved nutrition and health, gender equality, food security, incomes and natural resource base for sustainable livelihoods of resource poor women and men farmers Resilience – Improved varieties Resilience - Non varietal Access and utilization of micronutrient-rich bean varieties and products Opportunities from new and expanding markets Reaching front and end users Knowledge sharing and use, policy, M&E Outcomes Project Goal Gender Equality PABRA FRAMEWORK
PABRA’s Partnerships Complementary and efficient use of resources CIATBiophysicalSocialNARES:ManagementScientistsDevelopment Partners and Policy makers Users Technology adaptation and policy support Engage partners for adaptive research to refine technology across multiple countries Test approaches to upscale fast, widely + with equity. Publish and share results. Catalyze links and partnerships to reach users. Provide tools and methods for widespread skills and knowledge enhancement Raise awareness Test and use technologies Technology development + priority setting Identify key research constraints /opportunities Catalyze teams for strategic and applied workCatalyze teams for strategic and applied work Publish /share results to feed into future workPublish /share results to feed into future work
Addressing Diverse Market niches
8 Dark Red Kidney Climbing Beans Snap Beans ( French ) Large White Small White Pintos, Carioca’s Sugar, Tan & Yellow Others Small Red Red Mottled CIAT –Africa Regional Programs CIAT HQ Tanzania & Zimbabwe Tanzania & Ethiopia D R Congo & South Africa Kenya South Africa & Ethiopia South Africa & Madagascar Kenya Rwanda Malawi & Uganda Shared Breeding Responsibilities: CIAT-HQ, CIAT-Africa & NARS
9 Market ClassVarieties Released Countries Red mottled17CD, KE, RW, ET, UG, ZW, SW, TZ, MZ Red Kidney15CD, MD, KE, RW, TZ,UG, ET, ZM, TZ Sugars/speckled31KE, CD, ET,UG, ZW, SW, TZ, MZ, MW, LE Climbing beans26CD, KE, TZ, MD, RW, ET, UG Small & Medium Red 9ET, KE, MD, CD Navy & Large White22TZ, MD, ET, SU, ZW, ZM, SW, CD, ZA, LE Brown and Tans24RW, BU, DRC, ET, ZM, ZW, TZ, DRC, MW Purples & Others3ZM, CD, LE Total147 Varieties released in PABRA region Some countries have no breeding programs– but have released bean varieties. Some varieties are released in more than one country- “Nets that work for all”
M 7.5 M 0 Householdsreached 13 a 2008 b Wider approach – Targeting and monitoring (2003-8, ) Years 16.5 million From 35,000,000 to 82,500,000 people
Certified seeds (large and small packs) using market and non market channels Farmers Quality seeds by local seed producers (individual or groups – supported by Development partners (GOs, NGOs-CBOs etc) Basic seeds 2 (Private seed producers ) Basic seeds 1 (NARS) Breeder seeds (NARS) Farmers 5 Traders Integrated Seed System for wider impact using Improved Bean Varieties
Partnership with the Private sector in Bean Seed Production e.g. Demeter Agriculture in Malawi provided over 300 tones of bean seed for the subsidy program Some of these varieties are registered in Zambia and Mozambique
Usefulness of the HSSP Initiative Time lag in release of varieties: - some bean varieties were released at different times in different countries in the region: CAL143 – Malawi (Napilira ); Zambia (Liyambia ); Angola (1998); Mozambique (2008) and south DRC possibly 2010.
Operationalizing and Monitoring the Harmonization Seed System: Assessment of Institutional and Policies in the Southern Africa Development Community Region A Concept Idea! Operationalizing and Monitoring the Harmonization Seed System: Assessment of Institutional and Policies in the Southern Africa Development Community Region A Concept Idea!
Thank You