Division of MCH Workforce Development
The BIG Picture Associate Administrator, MCH Dr. Michael Lu Division of MCH Workforce Development Administrator, HRSA Dr. Mary Wakefield Secretary, HHS Kathleen Sebelius The President Barack Obama
Maternal and Child Health Bureau Office of the Associate Administrator Associate Administrator Deputy Associate Administrator Division of Services for Children with Special Health Needs Division of Child, Adolescent and Family Health Division of Maternal and Child Health Workforce Development Division of Healthy Start and Perinatal Services Division of State and Community Health Division of Home Visiting and Early Childhood Systems Office of Operations and Management Office of Epidemiology and Research Office of Policy Coordination
New Vision Statement for MCHB We are going to improve maternal and child health in our nation by improving access, quality, integration, accountability, and equity
DMCHWD Pipeline and Graduate Education Workforce Development for Practicing MCH Professionals Community-based programs Develop the current and future generations of MCH leaders through:
MCH Workforce Dev Interdisciplinary Graduate Training Adolescent Health Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics LEND Nutrition Peds Pulmonary Centers Schools of Public Health MCH Workforce Development Certificate in MCH Public Health Collaborative Office Rounds Knowledge to Practice MCH Navigator MCH Pipeline New: MCH Workforce Development CentersNew: MCH Workforce Development Centers
Program Characteristics: Systems Change Training for MCH Leadership Supporting Faculty in Leadership Roles Contributing to Advances in the Field Promoting Collaboration
DMCHWD Strategic Goals MCH Workforce and Leadership Development Diversity and Health Equity Interdisciplinary/Interprofessional Training and Practice Science, Innovation and Quality Improvement
Our Reach FY 2012
Impact: By the Numbers In FY2012, $47 million to 173 programs 25,269 trainees—2,267 long term trainees, 45,357medium term, and 17,645 short-term 24% of trainees were from underrepresented groups Top five disciplines are Medicine, Public Health, Psychology, Nutrition, and Social Work 83% of former trainees are leaders 5 years after program completion 245,670 MCH professionals received continuing education *2010 data
MCH Life Course: Strategic Plan
Former Trainees Working in MCH, Public Health Organizations and Underserved Populations, 2010 Former TraineesWorking in MCH Working in public health organization or agency, including Title V Working with underserved populations or vulnerable groups Training Program (N=680) % of Total80.3%33.8%79.3% MCHB Discretionary Grant Information System, Reporting Year 2010
Goal of the Combating Autism Act Initiative (CAAI) Enable all infants, children and adolescents who have, or are at risk for developing, Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and other developmental disabilities to reach their full potential by:
Developing a system of services that includes screening children early for possible ASD and other developmental disorders; Conducting early, interdisciplinary, evaluations to confirm or rule out ASD and other developmental disorders; and, Providing evidence-based, early interventions when a diagnosis is confirmed.
Three Program Areas Autism Intervention Research Training DBP LEND State Implementation
MCH Leadership Competencies I. SELF 1. MCH Knowledge Base 2. Self-reflection 3. Ethics & Professionalism 4. Critical Thinking II. OTHERS 5. Communication 6. Negotiation & conflict resolution 7. Cultural Competency 8. Family-Centered Care 9. Developing Others Through Mentoring & Teaching 10. Interdisciplinary Team Building III. WIDER COMMUNITY 11. Working with Communities and Systems 12. Policy/Advocacy