Circles of Co- Existence In Israel The Israel Boy & Girl Scouts Federation By: Dr. Liora Givon International Commissioner
Circles of Co- Existence A Project of Cooperation & Co-Existence among Jews, Muslims, Druze, Catholic & Greek Orthodox Christians Scouts.
The goal of the project This project aims to develop friendship, communication, respect and understanding among the different sectors and religious groups of the diversified Israeli society- through the activities of the Israeli Scouts.
Being a part of the worldwide Scouts movement, we believe that we can build a bridge between the different groups and gain understanding which will contribute to the quality of life of men and women, adult and children. Circles of Co- Existence
HOW IT IS DONE? The process starts at the “Wood Badge” course. The participants- adult scout leaders from all sectors of the Israeli society are grouped in mixed groups- and spend few extensive and exhausting days in an atmosphere that promotes cooperation, understanding and communication among all members.
Circles of Co- Existence For a substantial part of the participants, this meeting is the first opportunity to interact with members of a different sector or religion that otherwise they would not come into contact with.
Circles of Co- Existence The meeting emphasizes scout values as well as friendship and living together in harmony. The close friendship relations created during these days serves as the base for future meetings, wider interaction and a “first bridge” among sectors.
Circles of Co- Existence Based on the contacts made earlier, a “Circle of Co- Existence” is established. A group of 4-5 Scouts Tribes from different sectors, religions and geographical location is arranged into a specific “Circle of Co-Existence”.
Circles of Co- Existence Boys and girls, ages 15 to 18, meet for one day of activity every two or three months, each time hosted by a different community. Led by their group leaders they go through an interesting process of knowing each other, learn about their new friends’ life, tradition, habits etc.
Circles of Co- Existence They talk, play,dance, eat together and make plans for the next meeting.
Summary… Our goal is to create ongoing relationship which will last into the future with emphasis on respect, understanding, co- existence, tolerance and democracy. It is our belief that this model and alike can be applied in various locations around the world, And we will…
Create a culture of peace!