Digital inclusion for all! About EOS – a short introduction MISSION: digital inclusion of all members of community to facilitate open society and sustainable development in Romania, by enabling members of communities to acquire social and economic entrepreneurial abilities through the application of ICT.
Strategy Two main areas: Introducing and developing teacher training programs focused on the use of ICT to teach across the curriculum (K12) eInclusion programs for the wider community, lifelong learning and adult education Digital inclusion for all!
Community projects Romanian eCentre network (since 2006) Digital inclusion for all!
Community projects The EOS Lifelong Learning Centre Over people trained in the use of ICT at basic or advanced levels (2008 – 2010) Digital inclusion for all!
Community projects Digital Romania Alliance Biblionet Telecentre-Europe Second Chance Rural Entrepreneurship Digital inclusion for all!
Community projects Community Capacity Building – retraining of unemployed miners and provision of ICT Digital inclusion for all!
Community projects 100,000 miners laid off over 5 years Unemployment as high as 60% in some communities No vision of the future Social mitigation programme set up by government but with poor results Many moved from the monoindustrial mining areas, but did not have job skills to succeed in other places High immigration level Digital inclusion for all!
Community projects The EOS Mining community capacity building response: Set-up of 9 eCentres in the areas of highest unemployemnt concentration (covering a total population of 200,000 people) Partnership with the local Offices for Employment Partnership with the local authorities (sewerance payments and minimum guaranteed income beneficiaries) Digital inclusion for all!
Community projects eCentres offering: -ICT training at various levels (basic and more advanced) -Career counselling, job placement services -Online promotion of the local opportunities for investment and local manufacturers eCentre has become “the third place” Digital inclusion for all!
Community projects Findings: -Women were more involved -eCentres became local “resource centres” -ICT training was relevant if placed within personal or small group contexts -Ex-miners difficult to pull into re- training, with more effort needed on awareness raising Digital inclusion for all!
Community projects Results: -Over 10,000 miners and/or close family members benefitted from services offered by eCentres (6800 persons have received oficially recognised ICT certification) -Services delivered by eCentres developed and flexibly changing with the needs of the community members -Long lasting cross sector partnerships Digital inclusion for all!
Contact Fundația EOS Romania Digital inclusion for all!