The Ink- Keeper’s Apprentice By: Allen Say
APPRENTICE A person who is learning a job from an older, more experienced person. A person who is learning a job from an older, more experienced person. The apprentice learned everything he knew from the older more experienced worker. The apprentice learned everything he knew from the older more experienced worker.
NIB The tip of an ink pen. Be careful that the nib doesn’t break off of the ink pen.
CONSOLATION Something that makes a disappointed person feel better. Something that makes a disappointed person feel better. The consolation of her friends made it easier to cope with things. The consolation of her friends made it easier to cope with things.
TIMIDLY Nervously The little boy timidly approached the bug.
HIGHLIGHTS The parts of a painting in which the light is brightest and most intense. The parts of a painting in which the light is brightest and most intense. Look at the highlights of the beautiful painting. Look at the highlights of the beautiful painting.