Final Project Document Presentation Integrated Chat System Team # 4 December 2, 2003 Professor Peter Clarke Phase 1 Melissa Betancourt: Programmer Eric Guerra: Time Keeper Ovide Mercure: Team Leader Joshua Tomlinson: Diary Keeper Phase 2 Melissa Betancourt: Team Leader Eric Guerra: Diary Keeper Ovide Mercure: Time Keeper Joshua Tomlinson: Secretary Phase 3 Melissa Betancourt: Programmer Eric Guerra: Programmer Ovide Mercure: Time Keeper Joshua Tomlinson: Team Leader, Diary Keeper
Purpose of the System Simplifies existing chat program concepts adapting them for use in inter-corporate communication (AOL AIM, Yahoo Instant Messenger). The ICS system allows corporations the ability to restrict one-to-one communication to their local area network (LAN). Scope of the System The internal components of the ICS system are the server and the client programs. The ICS users are the actors involved with the use cases and are outside the boundaries of the system.
ICS Use Case Diagram
Functional and Non-Functional Requirements Use Case ID: ICS01 – Log In Scenario: Actor: ICS User Pre-conditions: 1. ICS server & chat client process must be running. Description: 1. Use case begins when the Log-in window pops open and requests the user’s name and password. 2. The use case ends when the login is successful and the user’s client contact list window is displayed.
Post-Conditions: 1. The chat server will update all appropriate user contact lists to indicate the user has logged in. Decision Support Frequency: Once a day per end user. Criticality: High. Allows the connection of the chat client to the server. Risk: Medium. Implementing the use case employs standard intranet based technology. Nonfunctional Requirements: Response time of the ICS Server ICS system’s ease of use
Use Case ID: ICS04 – Send Message Scenario: Actor: User Pre-Conditions: 1. User and other user are both logged on to the system. 2. Chat Window was initiated. 3. Chat Window is activated. Description: 1. Use case begins when user types a message into the message text area. 2. Once the user presses the send button, a message is sent to the server. 3. Use case ends when the system echoes the message on the user’s conversation text area.
Post-Conditions: 1. The Message is displayed on the other user’s Chat Window. Decision Support Frequency: At least once every time the user logs on. Criticality: High. Allows communication. Risk: Medium. Implementing the use case employs standard intranet based technology. Non-Functional Requirements: Response time of the ICS Server ICS system’s ease of use
Client-Server Architecture
Minimal Class Diagram Client Subsystem Communication Subsystem Server Subsystem
Use Case: Initiate Chat Window
System Test Case 1 for Initiate Chat Window Test case 1: PurposeTo test that the Chat Window for a specific contact is displayed on the user’s screen. Precondition1. ICS user is logged on to the system. 2. Contact List Window is activated. 3. At least one of the user’s contacts are logged on to the system. InputDouble click on a contact name in the “Logged On” section of the Contact List Window. Expected Output Chat Window for that specific contact chosen is displayed on the user’s screen. Actual Output When using Eric’s and Joshua’s system account, we see that, when they are both logged in, each name is registered in the Logged-on window. When clicking on either name, the chat window is displayed. Test case passed.
System Test Case 2 for Initiate Chat Window Test case 2: PurposeTo test if the ICS user may initiate a chat with more than one ICS user at a time. Precondition1. ICS user is logged on to the system. 2. Contact List Window (see Appendix C) is activated. 3. At least two of the user’s contacts are logged on to the system. 4. A Chat Window for a specific user chosen is displayed on the ICS user’s screen. InputDouble click on a contact name in the “Logged On” section of the Contact List Window (see Appendix C). Expected Output Chat Windows for the first and second contact chosen is displayed on the user’s screen. Actual Output When using Melissa’s, Eric’s and Joshua’s account we choose two online clients from Melissa’s account and double click on the name. This initiates a chat window for each client. Test case passed.