More pronunciation practice The last check showed that everything is well. Sailing in the summer is nice Our corporation is very large. Cooperation is the key to success.
Consult/Join Meetings Lecture 2
Example Meeting Purpose: Decide whether to build the plant in Shanghai or Paris. Ground Rules: “We will meet until we make a decision through majority vote.” Introduction Assign time keeper, discussion controller, note keeper?
Possible Meeting Tasks Meeting leader Note taker Discussion Controller Time keeper
“Dos” ( as meeting leader…) Be polite-even when someone is wrong Be open-do not think that you will learn nothing by listening Work with their opinions “So, Jerry thinks Paris will not be profitable. What do you think.” Encourage those that are not speaking “I know you have an opinion on this. What do you think Dan.”
“Don’ts” (as meeting leader…) Don’t have unnecessary meetings Don’t let anyone talk too much Don’t let your opinions stop good advice Don’t act as if you are the expert. -send questions where they should be sent
Understand need for consensus Consensus=everyone accepts the result Those that don’t may work against the rest of the company Different parts of the company may work against each other
Preparation-planning a meeting Have a clear purpose Know who should do what Provide participants with agenda ( 议事日 程) before the meeting Prepare handouts, presentations etc.
The Agenda ( 议事日程) Tells -how to prepare -who will be there -what kind of meeting it will be -who will have what job -who must go
Involving the Audience Encourage them to be prepared to discuss Create a relaxed + accepting environment Ask questions Keep meeting informal
Participating in a meeting Be there on time Be prepared Speak your point clearly when it is your turn Work with the ideas of others
Closing a meeting Restate any conclusions Restate the next steps
Meetings a waste of time? Not if there are real results Note taker might distribute notes to everyone Action plan- group should decide how to be sure the work gets done
Now We Will Have Our Meeting The Question is should we build our new shoe factory in Paris or Shanghai. Think about the advantages and disadvantages of both places. At the end the city with the most votes will be the city we choose.
Homework Munter Chapter 5 Participate in tutorial meetings Practice speaking clearly