Picking a Country Each group of 2 to 4 (depending on period) will pick a spanish speaking country. Groups will develop a project as if they were a travel agency.
GETTING STARTED: Each group has to: Pick a name for their travel agency. pick a project manager, a time keeper and a material keeper. Do a presentation on the country of choice.
REQUIREMENTS: Name of the travel agency; pictures of the country; important info such as: population, capital, religion, currency and government; points of interest: name at least two cities, type of food, music, dance, celebrations, etc. persuasive approach to convince us to travel to that country. Each group will pick two from the following presentation methods: PowerPoint, skit, posters, brochure and video.
Roles: Project manager: will be responsible for making sure the project is coming together as planned. this person will meet with the teacher to ask questions and check on progress. time keeper: this person will make sure group is using time wisely. material keeper: this person is responsible for keeping all of the group´s material and bringing it on the day of presentation. PowerPoint presentations need to be given to me 2 days in advance.
GRADING: There will be 2 grades given for each project presented: a group grade and an individual grade. Group grades will reflect the entirety of the project. individual grades will reflect participation during project meetings in class, familiarity with the country specifics and individual presentation. A total of 100 points will be given for this project. 50 for group grade and 50 for individual grade.
Specifics: Due date: 09.14.10 (blue day) and 09.15.10 (gold day) Presentations should last between 5 and 10 minutes. The winning group will receive a prize.