Monroe County Office for the Aging Public Hearing September 27, 2007
Agenda 9:00-9:15Welcome 9:15-10:00Presentation of Demographics, Capacity & Utilization of LTC Services 10:00-11:00Open forum
MONROE COUNTY NY CONNECTS LONG TERM CARE COUNCIL Demographics, LTC Capacity & Utilization Overview September 27, 2007 Finger Lakes Health Systems Agency
Improving Health Status
Long Term Care Capacity & Utilization Overview
Use Rates
Changes in Case Mix
Public Forum “Ground Rules ” Each speaker must fill out an index card (provided) with name, address, affiliation, phone and . Each speaker has a maximum of 5 minutes to speak. The timekeeper will alert the speaker when s/he has 1 minute of time remaining. When a speaker’s allotted time is up, the time keeper will alert the speaker s/he has “no time remaining”. Depending on the number of speakers, the time keeper has discretion to allow a speaker more than 5 minutes total. Speakers are encouraged to leave a copy of their written testimony with the time keeper