Biogeography of Marine Bacteria Francisco Rodríguez-Valera Universidad Miguel Hernandez Alicante, Spain
Biogeography is the study of the geographical distribution of species Cosmopolitan-widespread geagraphic distribution Endemic-only found at certain geographical areas
Baas-Becking (1934) Alles is overal maar het milieu selecteert –All is everywhere but the environment select
Prediction Similar habitats will harbour similar populations regardless of location Highly relevant for biodiversity studies
Some problems inherent to Baas-Becking axiom Replacement rate under low selective pressure Identity of habitat
Problems specific to the study of bacterial biogiography Sampling (how many species of bacteria there are?) Definition of bacterial species Establishing identity and degree of relatedness
Culturability of bacteria from natural environments Planktonic marine bacteria –1 in 10 3 to 10 5 –50% metabolically active Soil bacteria –1 in 200
Marine Crenarchaea
ITS Primer 2 Spacer Region ITS 1500 bp3000 bp120 bp Primer 1
ITS ~ 420 pb tRNA-Ile tRNA-Ala ESQUEMA DEL AMPLICÓN DE RISA DE SAR11 Zonas hipervariables 16S ~ 650 pb 23S ~ 75 pb