Word Problem with Dividing Fractions 5.M.NF.07
Objective I can create and solve real world problems by dividing fractions and whole numbers in lowest terms.
Mathematical Practices 1). Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2). Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3). Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4). Model with mathematics. 5). Use appropriate tools strategically. 6). Attend to precision. 7). Look for and make use of structure. 8). Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Task Expectations 8 minutes You will work as a table group to solve the task on the paper provided to you Please follow the roles and responsibilities of your group The table leader will share out your group’s ideas
Group Rules Share your ideas with classmates Engage in today’s activities enthusiastically and stay on task Be respectful of other ideas and opinions Share in the responsibility for the success of today’s work Use soft voices
Group Roles Recorder Group Leader Time Keeper Material Monitor
Task David has a pet sitting business and has a five pound bag of dog food. Each dog will eat 1/4 of a pound of dog food from the bag. How many dogs can he feed from that one bag? Solve using numbers, drawing a picture, and writing an explanation on how you got the answer.
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Answer Since there are 4/4 in 1 whole, there must be 20 fourths in 5 pounds. Each bar represents 1 pound that has been divided into fourths.
Task Four students sitting at table were given 1/3 of a pan of brownies to share. How much of a pan will each student get if they share the pan of brownies equally?
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Answer Four students = four rows 1/3 of the pan = 3 columns Color in 1/3 Divide the shaded 1/3 into four. Each students gets 1/12
Task Dumbo has four pounds of peanuts. He wants to give each of his friends 1/5 of a pound. How many friends can receive 1/5 of a pound of peanuts?
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Answer Each rectangle is 1 pound of peanuts Each pound is divided into 1/5 There are now 20 smaller rectangles 20 friends can receive 1/5 of a pound of peanuts 1/5